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Update budget with some adjustments

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana requested to merge budget-update into master

1) catering

R$ 58.000,00 -> R$ 40.000,00

Requested food bursaries (for now) x Price of food at RU and Hotel.

2) conference dinner

R$ 34.260,00 -> R$ 36.000,00

Minus R$ 260,00 discount. Add R$ 2.000,00 drinks.

3) internet link

R$ 5.000,00 -> R$ 500,00

Improve the link the hotal already has installed. Need to be confirmed.

4) venue:staff

R$ 2.000,00 -> R$ 5.464,32


  • 1 for auditorium
  • 1 for mini-auditorum
  • 1 for cleaning
  • 1 for help general (inspetor)

5) accommodation:bedrooms

R$ 150.960,00 -> R$ 132.600,00

  • Cancell 12 rooms (standard duplo)
  • 12 rooms x 09 days x 2 guests x R$ 85,00 = R$ 18.360,00

6) travel costs for invited speaker

R$ 15.000,00 -> R$ 5.000,00

Just a reduction.

7) swag:backpack

R$ 9.995,00 -> R$ 7.996,00

Reduction 400 attendees

8) swag:lanyard

R$ 2.600,00 -> R$ 2.080,00

Reduction 400 attendees

9) drink cup

R$ 6.000,00


10) Access point

U$ 800.00


11) Bronze (BRL)

R$ 7.000,00

Addded Globo sponsor

Edited by Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana

Merge request reports
