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Commits on Source (3)
......@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ debian-edu-config (2.10.39) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* cf3/cf.grub: Adjust configuration for systems with profile 'Minimal'. Keep
legacy interface names to ensure easier configuration as a gateway; don't
run 'plymouth-set-default-theme', plymouth isn't used on a minimal system.
* Improve scripts needed for kerberized NFS.
- share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-remove-host:
+ Make host principals and keytab file removal conditional; this is needed
in case a system accidentally added via sitesummary2ldapdhcp is removed
without any modification applied.
- share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-modify-host:
+ Also create nfs principal for the modified host.
+ Remove leftover principals and keytab file belonging to modified host.
+ Add logging statement.
-- Wolfgang Schweer <> Sun, 30 Sep 2018 23:35:05 +0200
......@@ -10,7 +10,22 @@ HOST="$1"
/usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/gosa-create-host $HOST
kadmin.local -q "add_principal -policy hosts -randkey host/$HOST.intern"
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/$HOST.intern.keytab host/$HOST.intern"
kadmin.local -q "add_principal -policy hosts -randkey nfs/$HOST.intern"
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/$HOST.intern.keytab nfs/$HOST.intern"
logger -t gosa-modify-host -p notice Krb5 keytab file for \'$HOST\' created.
# update services:
# cleanup from leftover host principals and keytab file:
for i in $(basename -a /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/* | sed 's#.intern.keytab##') ; do
if slapcat | grep $i | grep -q dhcp ; then
kadmin.local delprinc host/$i.intern@INTERN
kadmin.local delprinc nfs/$i.intern@INTERN
rm /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/$i.intern.keytab
exit 0
......@@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ set -ex
## delete host's nfs principal and keytab file;
for i in $(kadmin.local listprincs | grep $HOST) ; do
kadmin.local delprinc $i
if $(kadmin.local listprincs | grep -q $HOST) ; then
for i in $(kadmin.local listprincs | grep $HOST) ; do
kadmin.local delprinc $i
rm /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/$(ls -l /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs | grep $HOST | awk '{print $9}')
rm /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs/$(ls -l /etc/debian-edu/host-keytabs | grep $HOST | awk '{print $9}')
# update services: