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Commits on Source (2)
debian-edu-doc (2.10.11) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
debian-edu-doc (2.10.11) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Translation updates ]
* ITIL manual:
......@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@ debian-edu-doc (2.10.11) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* d/control:
- add unzip to Build-Depends-Indep.
- add "Rules-Requires-Root: no" to support building as non-root.
* Drop all .postinst and .postrm scripts and use debian-edu-doc-$LANG.links
files instead.
-- Holger Levsen <> Tue, 01 Jan 2019 23:00:00 +0100
-- Holger Levsen <> Fri, 18 Jan 2019 23:16:48 +0100
debian-edu-doc (2.10.10) unstable; urgency=medium
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-da /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/da
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-da /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/da
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/da
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-de /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/de
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-de /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/de
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/de
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-en /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/en
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-en /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/en
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/en
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-es /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/es
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-es /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/es
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/es
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-fr /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/fr
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-fr /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/fr
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/fr
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-it /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/it
set -e
mkdir -p /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc
ln -sf /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-it /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/it
set -e
# remove link we created at installation via postinst
rm -f /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/it
# cleanup. As debian-edu-doc is a transitional package now, it might have
# been removed, without this directory being removed, due to our link...
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc || true
/usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc-ja /usr/share/doc/debian-edu-doc/ja