Commits on Source (34)
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit c41f0348.
e1a9e7fa -
Bas Couwenberg authored19b1d3b4
Bas Couwenberg authorede487aadd
Bas Couwenberg authoredc87f88ca
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.2' with Debian dir 0abf92f8cf04b47fae703f4459676b5fa6a3b03c
e7df145f -
Bas Couwenberg authored0769904c
Bas Couwenberg authoredf6d6709d
Bas Couwenberg authored41615f22
Bas Couwenberg authoredd7bc319f
Bas Couwenberg authored155552bd
Bas Couwenberg authored4716c438
Bas Couwenberg authoredc200aa69
Bas Couwenberg authored250b9d31
Bas Couwenberg authored9b702e1a
Bas Couwenberg authored34c3e7b1
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.3~rc1' with Debian dir c20a324b3a40a512b75eb2e2780c5dab33090a72
db60e49b -
Bas Couwenberg authored2495a3f7
Bas Couwenberg authored51ca0416
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.3' with Debian dir f35baf0b67baf73da940f3de1fab42fd483a585c
74594baa -
Bas Couwenberg authored9cd2daaf
Bas Couwenberg authoredd5fabf58
Bas Couwenberg authoredefb8e609
Bas Couwenberg authoredcffe5fa7
Bas Couwenberg authored536338f1
Bas Couwenberg authored22bd35a5
Bas Couwenberg authoredf2fd471d
Bas Couwenberg authoreda5681a9a
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit e487aadd.
fbc293ae -
Bas Couwenberg authored018d8729
Bas Couwenberg authored8a839ea5
Bas Couwenberg authored0f974f70
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '3.0.3~rc1' with Debian dir e088c8fb91af88886014426431e0d9299e95fbb2
a245bbc3 -
Bas Couwenberg authored285376fa
Bas Couwenberg authoredba044ec8