Commits on Source (44)
Bas Couwenberg authoredc79a0558
Bas Couwenberg authored981a812b
Bas Couwenberg authored01192ee9
Bas Couwenberg authoredd7c37031
Bas Couwenberg authoredaadaf098
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit 0faf8fb9.
3d4f2ac1 -
Bas Couwenberg authored499db8fc
Bas Couwenberg authored6efe2fc0
Bas Couwenberg authoredae5a28f9
Bas Couwenberg authored876a6f9f
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.2+dfsg' with Debian dir 1a307d2d818e66859e47e4a3df3f1caf8208ae35
720dce6b -
Bas Couwenberg authored9ab8af95
Bas Couwenberg authoredc07e3a00
Bas Couwenberg authored452f5ef9
Bas Couwenberg authoreda19b0793
Bas Couwenberg authored17041276
Bas Couwenberg authored23aa1475
Bas Couwenberg authored67cb9c00
Bas Couwenberg authoredb4e43b3c
Bas Couwenberg authored10e2da70
Bas Couwenberg authored7b384b8e
Bas Couwenberg authoredf5c56b67
Bas Couwenberg authored10709162
Bas Couwenberg authorede5b408bd
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.3~rc1+dfsg' with Debian dir 18497251b1df41fe794a2b93169be3b347ce0797
a6795dab -
Bas Couwenberg authored6ccd2f49
Bas Couwenberg authored33edc93c
Bas Couwenberg authoredcbc86681
Bas Couwenberg authored1b277b4d
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '2.4.3+dfsg' with Debian dir b4728d37fff0c71cc4d14e760becca0f5229dfe2
9b84649b -
Bas Couwenberg authoredff420af7
Bas Couwenberg authoredf595f1ef
Bas Couwenberg authoredb0668af2
Bas Couwenberg authored5e1ca594
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit 6efe2fc0.
e88b3425 -
Bas Couwenberg authoreda9c6cdba
Bas Couwenberg authored732457b1
Bas Couwenberg authored54e665f2
Bas Couwenberg authored26c59230
Bas Couwenberg authorede18d9dff
Bas Couwenberg authoreda323fee1
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '3.0.3~rc1+dfsg' with Debian dir 7dae0c055bc69f4ab7be0d1085837ec72e917d44
30b90913 -
Bas Couwenberg authored473bdb8a
Bas Couwenberg authored0288713b