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Commits on Source (171)
# The Founders
GMT was conceived and designed in the late 1980s and early 1990s
by [Paul Wessel](, and
[Walter H.F. Smith](
The two founders built and maintained GMT from version 1 through 3.
# Addition of Team Members
GMT 4 benefitted from numerous contributions from two new team members
[Remko Scharroo](
and [Joaquim Luis](
GMT 5 saw major new contributions from team member Florian Wobbe.
GMT 6 has benefitted from the contributions of two new team members
[Leonardo Uieda]( and
[Dongdong Tian](
# Supplement Contributions
[Tim Henstock](
contributed the segy supplement, while
[Kurt Feigl]( and
Genevieve Patau wrote the seis supplement.
[Dennis Milbert]( donated the Fortran code that
was translated to become earthtide.c
[David Sandwell]( contributed the img supplement.
# Further Acknowledgments
We would also like to acknowledge feedback, suggestions and bug reports
from Andreas Bjørnestad, Michael Barck, Manfred Brands, Allen Cogbill, Stephan Eickschen, John Helly,
Ben Horner-Johnson, Kristof Koch, John Kuhn, Angel Li, Andrew Macrae, Alex Madon, Ken McLean,
Greg Neumann, Ameet Raval, John Robbins, Georg Schwarz, Richard Signell, Peter Schmidt,
Dirk Stoecker, Eduardo Suárez, Mikhail Tchernychev, Malte Thoma, David Townsend,
Garry Vaughan, William Weibel, and many others, including their advice on how
to make GMT portable to a wide range of platforms. John Lillibridge and Stephan
Eickschen provided the original Examples (11) and (32), respectively; Hanno von
Lom helped resolve early problems with DLL libraries for Win32; Lloyd Parkes
enabled indexed color images in PostScript; Brent Wood developed the GMT/OGR format;
Wayne Wilson implemented the full general perspective projection; and William Yip
helped translate GMT to POSIX ANSI C and incorporate netCDF 3. The SOEST RCF staff
(Ross Ishida, Pat Townsend, and Sharon Stahl) provided valuable help on Linux and
web server support.
# Building GMT
This document describes how to build GMT from source codes
(stable release or development version) on Linux, macOS and Windows.
## Contents
For general users:
- [Build and runtime dependencies](#build-and-runtime-dependencies)
- [Installing dependencies](#installing-dependencies)
* [Ubuntu/Debian](#ubuntudebian)
* [RHEL/CentOS](#rhelcentos)
* [Fedora](#fedora)
* [Archlinux](#archlinux)
* [FreeBSD](#freebsd)
* [macOS with homebrew](#macos-with-homebrew)
* [Windows](#windows)
- [Getting GMT source codes](#getting-gmt-source-codes)
- [Configuring](#configuring)
- [Building GMT source codes](#building-gmt-source-codes)
- [Installing](#installing)
- [Setting path](#setting-path)
For developers and advanced users:
- [Building documentation](#building-documentation)
- [Running tests](#running-tests)
- [Creating source packages](#creating-source-packages)
- [Packaging](#packaging)
- [Updating the development source codes](#updating-the-development-source-codes)
## Build and runtime dependencies
To build GMT, you must install:
- [CMake]( (>=2.8.5)
- [Ghostscript](
- [netCDF]( (>=4.0, netCDF-4/HDF5 support mandatory)
- [curl](
Optionally install for more capabilities within GMT:
- [GDAL]( (Ability to read and write numerous grid and image formats)
- [PCRE]( or PCRE2 (Regular expression support)
- [FFTW]( single-precision (Fast FFTs, >=3.3 [not needed under macOS])
- LAPACK (Fast matrix inversion [not needed under macOS])
- BLAS (Fast matrix multiplications [not needed under macOS])
For movie-making capabilities these executables are needed:
- [GraphicsMagick]( (Convert images to animated GIFs)
- [FFmpeg]( (Convert images to videos)
Optionally install for building GMT documentations and running tests:
- [Sphinx]( (>=1.4.x, for building the manpage, HTML and PDF documentation)
- [TeXLive]( (for building the PDF documentation)
- [GraphicsMagick]( (for running the tests)
You also need download support data:
- [GSHHG]( A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database (>=2.2.0)
- [DCW-GMT]( The Digital Chart of the World (optional, >=1.0.5)
## Installing dependencies
### Ubuntu/Debian
For Ubuntu and Debian, there are prepackaged development binaries available.
Install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install required dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libcurl4-gnutls-dev libnetcdf-dev ghostscript
# Install optional dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev libfftw3-dev libpcre3-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev
# to enable movie-making
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
# to build the documentation in PDF format
sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-latex-extra latexmk
### RHEL/CentOS
For RHEL and CentOS, GMT's dependencies are available from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.
You can add this repository by telling yum:
sudo yum install epel-release
You then can install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
sudo yum install cmake libcurl-devel netcdf-devel ghostscript
# Install optional dependencies
sudo yum install gdal-devel pcre-devel fftw3-devel lapack-devel openblas-devel
# to enable movie-making
# ffmpeg is provided by [rmpfusion](
sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
sudo yum install GraphicsMagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
sudo yum install GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo yum install python-sphinx
# to build the documentation in PDF format
sudo yum install python3-sphinx-latex
### Fedora
For Fedora, there are prepackaged development binaries available.
Install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
sudo dnf install cmake libcurl-devel netcdf-devel ghostscript
# Install optional dependencies
sudo dnf install gdal-devel pcre-devel fftw3-devel lapack-devel openblas-devel
# to enable movie-making
# ffmpeg is provided by [rmpfusion](
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo dnf install python-sphinx
# to build the documentation in PDF format
sudo dnf install python-sphinx-latex
### Archlinux
For Archlinux, there are prepackaged development binaries available.
Install the gmt dependencies with:
# install necessary dependencies
sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake libcurl-gnutls netcdf ghostscript
# install optional dependencies
sudo pacman -S gdal pcre fftw lapack openblas
# to enable movie-making
sudo pacman -S graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
sudo pacman -S graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
sudo pacman -S python-sphinx
### FreeBSD
For FreeBSD, there are prepackaged development binaries available.
Install the gmt dependencies with:
# install necessary dependencies
sudo pkg install shells/bash devel/cmake ftp/curl science/netcdf print/ghostscript9
# install optional dependencies
sudo pkg install graphics/gdal devel/pcre math/fftw3-float math/lapack math/openblas
# to enable movie-making
sudo pkg install graphics/GraphicsMagick multimedia/ffmpeg
# to enable testing
sudo pkg install graphics/GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo pkg install py36-sphinx
### macOS with homebrew
For macOS with [homebrew]( installed, you can install the dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
brew install cmake curl netcdf ghostscript
# Install optional dependencies
brew install gdal pcre fftw
# to enable movie-making
brew install graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
brew install graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
brew install sphinx-doc
# to build the documentation in PDF format
brew cask install mactex-no-gui
### Windows
For some software, e.g. CMake, Ghostscript, GraphicsMagick and FFmpeg,
you can download binary installers to install them.
If there is an option to add it to the system PATH, remember to tick it.
For other dependency libraries, it's recommended to install them
via [vcpkg](
To use vcpkg, make sure you have met the prerequisites:
- Windows 10, 8.1, 7
- [Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer](
with "Desktop development with C++" installed
- [Git](
- [CMake]( >=3.12.4
Open a command prompt, and install vcpkg with:
cd C:\
git clone
cd C:\vcpkg
After installing vcpkg, you can install the GMT dependency libraries with (it may take more than 30 minutes):
# Build and insatll libraries
# If you want to build x64 libraries (recommended)
vcpkg install netcdf-c gdal pcre fftw3 clapack openblas --triplet x64-windows
# If you want to build x86 libraries
# NOTE: clapack and openblas currently aren't available for x86-windows.
vcpkg install netcdf-c gdal pcre fftw3 --triplet x86-windows
# hook up user-wide integration (note: requires admin on first use)
vcpkg integrate install
After installing these dependency libraries, you need to add the bin path
(i.e. `C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin`) to the system PATH,
to allow executables find the DLL shared libraries.
## Getting GMT source codes
The latest stable release of the GMT source codes (filename: gmt-x.x.x-src.tar.gz)
are available from the [GMT website]( and
[GitHub Release Page](
If you want to build/use the latest developing/unstable GMT, you can get the source codes from GitHub by:
git clone
You can also get supporting data GSHHG and DCW (filename: gshhg-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz and dcw-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz)
from any of the [GMT FTP sites](
Extract the files and put them in a separate directory (need not be where you eventually want to install GMT).
## Configuring
GMT can be built on any platform supported by CMake. CMake is a cross-platform,
open-source system for managing the build process. The building process is
controlled by two configuration files in the `cmake` directory:
- *ConfigDefault.cmake*: is version controlled and used to add new default
variables and set defaults for everyone. **You should NOT edit this file.**
- *ConfigUser.cmake*: is not version controlled and used to override defaults
on a per-user basis.
There is a template file, *ConfigUserTemplate.cmake*, that you should copy
to *ConfigUser.cmake* and make your changes therein.
In the source tree, copy the template configuration file
`cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake` to `cmake/ConfigUser.cmake`,
and edit the file according to your demands. This is an example:
set (GSHHG_ROOT /path/to/gshhg)
set (DCW_ROOT /path/to/dcw)
set (COPY_GSHHG true)
set (COPY_DCW true)
For Windows users, a good example is:
set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "C:/programs/gmt6")
set (GSHHG_ROOT <path to gshhg>)
set (DCW_ROOT <path to dcw>)
set (COPY_GSHHG true)
set (COPY_DCW true)
See the additional comments in `cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake` for more details.
Now that you made your configuration choices, it is time for invoking CMake.
To keep separately generated files from binary tree and source files from source tree,
you should create a build directory in the top-level directory,
where the build files will be generated, and change into your build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
For Windows users, you need open a command prompt and run:
mkdir build
cd build
# For x64 build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64
# For x86 build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x86
For advanced users, you can append the option ``-G Ninja`` to use the
build tool [Ninja](, which is a small build system
with a focus on speed.
## Building GMT source codes
In the build directory, type
# Linux/macOS
cmake --build .
# Windows
cmake --build . --config Release
which will compile all the programs. You can also append ``--parallel [<jobs>]``
to enable parallel build, in which *jobs* is the maximum number of concurrent
processes to use when building. If *jobs* is omitted the native build tool's
default number is used.
## Installing
# Linux/macOS
cmake --build . --target install
# Windows
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
will install gmt executable, library, development headers and built-in data
to the specified GMT install location.
Optionally it will also install the GSHHG shorelines (if found), DCW (if found),
UNIX manpages, and HTML documentations.
Depending on where GMT is being installed, you might need
write permission for this step so you can copy files to system directories.
Using ``sudo`` will often do the trick.
## Setting path
Make sure you set the PATH to include the directory containing the GMT executables
if this is not a standard directory like `/usr/local/bin`. Then, you should now be able to
run GMT programs.
**Below are instructions for developers and advanced users.**
## Building documentation
The GMT documentations are available in different formats and can be generated with:
cmake --build . --target docs_man # UNIX manual pages
cmake --build . --target docs_html # HTML manual, tutorial, cookbook, and API reference
cmake --build . --target docs_pdf # PDF tutorial, cookbook, and API reference
cmake --build . --target docs_pdf_shrink # Like docs_pdf but with reduced size
To generate the documentation you need to install the [Sphinx](
documentation builder, and for PDFs you also need LaTeX. You can choose to install the
documentation files from an external location instead of generating the
Manpages, PDF, and HTML files from the sources. This is convenient if Sphinx
and/or LaTeX are not available. Set *GMT_INSTALL_EXTERNAL_DOC* in
## Running tests
A complete set of the example scripts used to create all the example plots,
including all necessary data files, are provided by the installation.
To enable testing, you need following lines in your `ConfigUser.cmake`:
Then run:
cmake --build . --target check
Optionally set *N_TEST_JOBS* to the number of ctest jobs to run simultaneously.
You can also select individual tests using regexp with ctest, e.g.:
ctest --output-on-failure -R ex2[3-6]
## Creating source packages
Edit `cmake/ConfigDefault.cmake` and set
Then create source packages with:
cmake --build . --target gmt_release # export the source tree and documentation
cmake --build . --target gmt_release_tar # create tarballs (in tar.gz and tar.xz formats)
## Packaging
Currently, packaging with CPack works on macOS (Bundle, TGZ, TBZ2),
Windows (ZIP, NSIS), and UNIX (TGZ, TBZ2). On Windows you need to install
[NSIS]( After building GMT and the documentation
build and place the executables, including the supplements, with
cmake --build . --target install
and then create the package with either one of these:
cmake --build . --target package
cpack -G <TGZ|TBZ2|Bundle|ZIP|NSIS>
## Updating the development source codes
Assuming you did not delete the build directory, this is just as simple as
cd path-to-gmt
git pull
cd build
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
CMake will detect any changes to the source files and will automatically
reconfigure. If you deleted all files inside the build directory you have to
run cmake again manually.
# Citing GMT
If you think it is appropriate, you may consider paying us back by including
our latest EOS article in the reference list of your future publications that
will benefit from the availability of GMT:
> Wessel, P., W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. F. Luis, and F. Wobbe (2013),
> Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released, Eos Trans. AGU, 94(45),
> 409-410, doi:[10.1002/2013EO450001](
Here is a Bibtex entry for LaTeX users:
title = {Generic {{Mapping Tools}}: {{Improved Version Released}}},
author = {Wessel, Paul and Smith, Walter H. F. and Scharroo, Remko and Luis, Joaquim and Wobbe, Florian},
year = {2013},
journal = {Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union},
volume = {94},
number = {45},
pages = {409-410},
issn = {2324-9250},
doi = {10.1002/2013EO450001},
# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 13967 2015-01-23 21:56:31Z pwessel $
# Copyright (c) 1991-2015 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
# Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by the GMT Team (
# See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -13,10 +11,12 @@
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# Contact info:
# Contact info:
# To modify the cmake process: Edit your cmake/ConfigUser.cmake file
# To configure the cmake process, first copy the configuration template
# 'cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake' to 'cmake/ConfigUser.cmake',
# then edit 'cmake/ConfigUser.cmake'.
# To build out-of-source do (example):
......@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@
# CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE can be: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel
# cmake creates a new file cmake/ConfigUser.cmake if it does not already
# exist. You can configure additional options there.
# Make sure the user doesn't play dirty with symlinks
get_filename_component (srcdir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" REALPATH)
......@@ -49,6 +46,8 @@ cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.5)
# Use NEW behavior with newer CMake releases
CMP0025 # CMake 3.0: Compiler id for Apple Clang is now AppleClang
CMP0058 # CMake 3.3: Ninja requires custom command byproducts to be explicit
CMP0074 # CMake 3.12: find_package uses PackageName_ROOT variables
if(POLICY ${p})
cmake_policy(SET ${p} NEW)
......@@ -71,17 +70,17 @@ project (GMT C)
set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules/"
CACHE INTERNAL "Location of our custom CMake modules." FORCE)
# Include configuration options (default options and options overridden by user).
include (ConfigCMake)
# Find UNIX commands
include (FindUnixCommands)
find_program (SVN svn)
find_package (Git)
# Include configuration options (default options and options overridden by user).
include (ConfigCMake)
# Global test target
add_custom_target (check
--force-new-ctest-process -j${N_TEST_JOBS})
--output-on-failure --force-new-ctest-process -j${N_TEST_JOBS})
# Find test dependencies
find_program (GRAPHICSMAGICK gm)
......@@ -94,38 +93,58 @@ endif (DO_EXAMPLES OR DO_TESTS AND NOT GRAPHICSMAGICK)
#set(_manfiles_ps "" CACHE INTERNAL "Global list of PS manpages")
add_subdirectory (src)
add_subdirectory (share) # share must be processed *after* src (GSHHG_PATH)
add_subdirectory (doc) # share must be processed *after* src (PDF manpages)
add_subdirectory (test)
add_subdirectory (doc) # doc must be processed *after* src (PDF manpages)
add_subdirectory (test)
endif (EXISTS ${GMT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/)
add_subdirectory (cmake/dist) # make distribution bundles (always last)
# Source release target
# Export svn working tree
add_custom_target (svn_export_release
COMMAND ${SVN} --force export
add_depend_to_target (gmt_release svn_export_release)
# Export git working tree
add_custom_target (git_export_release
COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} -C ${GMT_SOURCE_DIR} checkout-index -a -f --prefix=${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX}/)
# Remove the test dir, so that it is not included in the final release tarball
add_custom_target (git_prune_dirs
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX}/.github
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX}/test)
add_custom_target (git_prune_files
add_depend_to_target (git_prune_dirs git_export_release)
add_depend_to_target (gmt_release git_prune_dirs)
add_depend_to_target (git_prune_files git_export_release)
add_depend_to_target (gmt_release git_prune_files)
find_program (GNUTAR NAMES gnutar gtar tar)
find_program (XZ NAMES xz)
# Targets for creating tarballs
string (REGEX REPLACE ".*/" "" _release_dirname "${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX}")
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.gz
COMMAND ${GNUTAR} -cz --owner 0 --group 0 --mode a=rX,u=rwX
-f ${GMT_BINARY_DIR}/${_release_dirname}-src.tar.gz ${_release_dirname}
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_release_dirname}-src.tar
COMMAND ${GNUTAR} -c --owner 0 --group 0 --mode a=rX,u=rwX
-f ${GMT_BINARY_DIR}/${_release_dirname}-src.tar ${_release_dirname}
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.bz2
COMMAND ${GNUTAR} -cj --owner 0 --group 0 --mode a=rX,u=rwX
-f ${GMT_BINARY_DIR}/${_release_dirname}-src.tar.bz2 ${_release_dirname}
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.gz
COMMAND ${GZIP} -9 --keep --force ${GMT_BINARY_DIR}/${_release_dirname}-src.tar
DEPENDS ${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX} ${_release_dirname}-src.tar
add_custom_command (OUTPUT ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.xz
COMMAND ${XZ} -9 -T 0 --keep --force ${GMT_BINARY_DIR}/${_release_dirname}-src.tar
DEPENDS ${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX} ${_release_dirname}-src.tar
add_custom_target (gmt_release_tar
${_release_dirname}-src.tar.gz ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.bz2)
endif (GNUTAR)
${_release_dirname}-src.tar.gz ${_release_dirname}-src.tar.xz)
get_target_property (_location gmtlib LOCATION)
get_filename_component (GMT_CORE_LIB_NAME ${_location} NAME)
......@@ -142,6 +161,12 @@ else (BUILD_SUPPLEMENTS)
set (SUPPL "no")
set (DEVEL "yes")
set (DEVEL "no")
set (BUILD_MODE "shared")
......@@ -159,11 +184,17 @@ configure_file (src/ src/config.h)
# Configuration done
"* Options:\n"
"* Found GSHHG database : ${GSHHG_PATH} (${GSHHG_VERSION})\n"
"* Found DCW-GMT database : ${DCW_PATH}\n"
"* Found GMT data server : ${GMT_DATA_URL}\n"
"* NetCDF library : ${NETCDF_LIBRARY}\n"
"* NetCDF include dir : ${NETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR}\n"
"* Curl library : ${CURL_LIBRARY}\n"
"* Curl include dir : ${CURL_INCLUDE_DIR}\n"
"* GDAL library : ${GDAL_LIBRARY}\n"
"* GDAL include dir : ${GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR}\n"
"* FFTW library : ${FFTW3F_LIBRARY}\n"
......@@ -172,13 +203,25 @@ message(
"* Regex support : ${GMT_CONFIG_REGEX_MESSAGE}\n"
"* ZLIB library : ${ZLIB_LIBRARY}\n"
"* ZLIB include dir : ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}\n"
"* License restriction : ${LICENSE_RESTRICTED}\n"
"* Triangulation method : ${GMT_TRIANGULATE}\n"
"* OpenMP support : ${GMT_CONFIG_OPENMP_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Build mode : ${BUILD_MODE}\n"
"* Build GMT core : always [${GMT_CORE_LIB_NAME}]\n"
"* Build PSL library : always [${PSL_LIB_NAME}]\n"
"* Build GMT supplements : ${SUPPL}\n"
"* Build GMT for developers : ${DEVEL}\n"
"* Build proto supplements : ${PROTO}\n"
"* Found GhostScript (gs) : ${GMT_CONFIG_GS_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Found GraphicsMagick (gm) : ${GMT_CONFIG_GM_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Found ffmpeg : ${GMT_CONFIG_FFMPEG_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Found open : ${GMT_CONFIG_OPEN_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Found ogr2ogr : ${GMT_CONFIG_OGR2OGR_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Found gdal_translate : ${GMT_CONFIG_GDAL_TRANSLATE_MESSAGE}\n"
"* Locations:\n"
"* Installing GMT in : ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}\n"
......@@ -191,5 +234,3 @@ message(
#foreach (_variableName ${_variableNames})
# message(STATUS "${_variableName}=${${_variableName}}")
# vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at `pwessel at hawaii dot edu` or
`leouieda at gmail dot com`.
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
# Contributing Guidelines
**First of all, thank you for considering contributing to the project.**
This is a community-driven project, so it's people like you that make it useful and
These are some of the many ways to contribute:
* :bug: Submitting bug reports and feature requests
* :memo: Writing tutorials or examples
* :mag: Fixing typos and improving to the documentation
* :bulb: Writing code for everyone to use
If you get stuck at any point you can create an issue on GitHub (look for the *Issues*
tab in the repository) or contact us at one of the other channels mentioned below.
For more information on contributing to open source projects,
[GitHub's own guide](
is a great starting point if you are new to version control.
## Ground Rules
The goal is to maintain a diverse community that's pleasant for everyone.
**Please be considerate and respectful of others**.
Everyone must abide by our [Code of Conduct]( and we encourage all to
read it carefully.
## Contents
* [What Can I Do?](#what-can-i-do)
* [How Can I Talk to You?](#how-can-i-talk-to-you)
* [Reporting a Bug](#reporting-a-bug)
* [Editing the Documentation](#editing-the-documentation)
* [Contributing Code](#contributing-code)
- [General guidelines](#general-guidelines)
- [Code Review](#code-review)
## What Can I Do?
* Tackle any [issue]( that you wish!
Please leave a comment on the issue indicating that you want to work on it.
Some issues are labeled as
["good first issues"](
to indicate that they are beginner friendly, meaning that they don't require extensive
knowledge of the project.
* Report a bug you found through the [Github issues](
* Make a tutorial or example of how to do something.
* Provide feedback about how we can improve the project or about your particular use
* Contribute code you already have. It doesn't need to be perfect! We will help you
clean things up, test it, etc.
## How Can I Talk to You?
Discussion often happens in the issues and pull requests.
We don't have a good solution for a user forum yet but we're working on it.
## Reporting a Bug
Find the [Issues]( tab on the top of
the Github repository and click *New Issue*.
You'll be prompted to choose between different types of issue, like bug reports and
feature requests.
Choose the one that best matches your need.
The Issue will be populated with one of our templates.
**Please try to fillout the template with as much detail as you can**.
Remember: the more information we have, the easier it will be for us to solve your
## Editing the Documentation
If you're browsing the documentation and notice a typo or something that could be
improved, please consider letting us know by [creating an issue](#reporting-a-bug) or
submitting a fix (even better :star2:).
## Contributing Code
**Is this your first contribution?**
Please take a look at these resources to learn about git and pull requests (don't
hesitate to [ask questions](#how-can-i-talk-to-you)):
* [How to Contribute to Open Source](
* Aaron Meurer's [tutorial on the git workflow](
* [How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub](
### General guidelines
We follow the [git pull request workflow]( to
make changes to our codebase.
Every change made goes through a pull request, even our own, so that our
[continuous integration]( services
have a change to check that the code is up to standards and passes all our tests.
This way, the *master* branch is always stable.
General guidelines for pull requests (PRs):
* **Open an issue first** describing what you want to do. If there is already an issue
that matches your PR, leave a comment there instead to let us know what you plan to
* Each pull request should consist of a **small** and logical collection of changes.
* Larger changes should be broken down into smaller components and integrated
* Bug fixes should be submitted in separate PRs.
* Describe what your PR changes and *why* this is a good thing. Be as specific as you
can. The PR description is how we keep track of the changes made to the project over
* Do not commit changes to files that are irrelevant to your feature or bugfix (eg:
`.gitignore`, IDE project files, etc).
* Write descriptive commit messages. Chris Beams has written a
[guide]( on how to write good commit
* Be willing to accept criticism and work on improving your code; we don't want to break
other users' code, so care must be taken not to introduce bugs.
* Be aware that the pull request review process is not immediate, and is generally
proportional to the size of the pull request.
### Code Review
After you've submitted a pull request, you should expect to hear at least a comment
within a couple of days.
We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.
Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted quickly:
* Write a good and detailed description of what the PR does.
* Write tests for the code you wrote/modified.
* Readable code is better than clever code (even with comments).
* Write documentation for your code and leave comments explaining the *reason* behind
non-obvious things.
* Include an example of new features in the gallery or tutorials.
Pull requests will automatically have tests run by TravisCI.
Github will show the status of these checks on the pull request.
Try to get them all passing (green).
If you have any trouble, leave a comment in the PR or
[get in touch](#how-can-i-talk-to-you).
This diff is collapsed.
# Installing GMT
**GMT 6.x is not released yet. This instruction works for GMT 5.x only.
To build the latest GMT 6 developing source codes, please refer to the
[Building Instructions](**
GMT is available on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Source and binary packages are provided for the latest release version,
and can be downloaded from the [GMT main site](
and [the GitHub repository](
This file provides instructions about how to install GMT binary packages in
different operating systems. Please refer to [Building Instructions](
for compiling GMT source package (either stable release or development version).
## Contents
- [Linux](#linux)
* [Ubuntu/Debian](#ubuntudebian)
* [RHEL/CentOS/Fedora](#rhelcentosfedora)
* [Install via conda](#install-via-conda)
- [macOS](#macos)
* [Standalone Installer](#standalone-installer)
* [Install via macports](#install-via-macports)
* [Install via fink](#install-via-fink)
* [Install via Homebrew](#install-via-homebrew)
* [Install via conda](#install-via-conda-1)
- [Windows](#windows)
* [Standalone Installer](#standalone-installer-1)
* [Install via conda](#install-via-conda-2)
## Linux
**Note:** For mysterious reasons, many Linux distros are way behind in packing
a recent GMT version. Typically you may find they offer 5.2.1 from 2015 while
the rest of us have moved on to 2018. Your best bet then is to
[build the latest release from source](
Otherwise, installing from the distros goes like this:
### Ubuntu/Debian
Install GMT5 via
sudo apt-get install gmt gmt-dcw gmt-gshhg
**Note:** The Ubuntu package under 16.04 LTS for mysterious reasons does not
include the supplements. If you need them you will need to
[build from source]( or upgrade to 18.04 LTS.
### RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
GMT binary packages are available from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.
For RHEL and CentOS you can add this repository by telling yum:
sudo yum install epel-release
then, you can install GMT5 via
sudo yum install GMT gshhg-gmt-nc4-all dcw-gmt
### Install via conda
You can use the [conda package manager]( that comes with the
[Anaconda Python Distribution]( to install GMT:
conda install gmt --channel conda-forge
## macOS
### Standalone Installer
Application bundle is available from from the [GMT main site](
Download the application bundle (gmt-6.x.x-darwin-x86_64.dmg)
and drag to any folder. This bundle includes a self contained GMT installation. opens a terminal from which you can invoke GMT programs and scripts.
If you like, you can add the GMT programs contained in the application bundle to
your search path for executables. For that, just run once and type:
echo ${PATH%%:*}
in the terminal. Then prepend this directory to your PATH environment variable,
e.g., in `~/.bashrc`. Note: The installer is always built for the latest macOS version only.
### Install via macports
Install [macports]( and then the required ports in this order:
sudo port install gdal +curl +geos +hdf5 +netcdf
sudo port install gmt5
A legacy GMT 4 port, gmt4, is available too and a side by side installation is possible.
Optional FFTW-3 support and experimental OpenMP parallel acceleration can be
enabled with the +fftw3 and +openmp flags.
### Install via fink
Installation of GMT through [Fink]( is quite easy.
All required packages will also be installed. Ghostscript is not strictly
required but very convenient to view PS files.
For the latest GMT 5 version use:
sudo fink install gmt5
For the legacy GMT 4 version use:
sudo fink install gmt
The two versions cannot live side by side.
### Install via Homebrew
Installation of GMT through [Homebrew]( is extremely simple.
Installing Homebrew itself is a one line command only (see [the Homebrew page](
You may need to update the formulas so for that you will do:
brew update && brew upgrade
For the latest GMT 5 version use:
brew install gmt
If you want to install GMT 4 and GMT 5 alongside, do:
brew unlink gmt && brew install gmt4
and to go from GMT 5 to GMT 4 (and vice-versa for 4 to 5, but see also the doc about gmtswitch):
brew unlink gmt && brew link gmt4
### Install via conda
You can use the [conda package manager]( that comes with the
[Anaconda Python Distribution]( to install GMT:
conda install gmt --channel conda-forge
## Windows
### Standalone Installer
We provide 32 and 64 bit standalone installers (e.g., gmt-6.x.x-win64.exe)
on the [GMT main site](
If you need the newest development version refer to the instructions for
[building GMT from source](
### Install via conda
You can use the [conda package manager]( that comes with the
[Anaconda Python Distribution]( to install GMT:
conda install gmt --channel conda-forge
$LastChangedDate: 2014-02-13 10:29:14 -1000 (Thu, 13 Feb 2014) $
$Revision: 12892 $
As of GMT 5.0.0, GMT is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) version 3 or later. Copies of the The GNU General Public
License (GPL) and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) are
# GMT FTP Sites
| Site | FTP address |
| SOEST, U. of Hawaii | |
| Lab for Satellite Altimetry, NOAA | |
| IRIS, Washington, US | |
| IAG-USP, U. of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL | |
| TENET, Tertiary Education & Research Networks, SOUTH AFRICA | |
| Tokai U, Shimizu, JAPAN | |
| University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, CHINA | |
$Id: README 13853 2014-12-30 20:49:01Z pwessel $
== Information for installing GMT 5 ==
Note: The build system has recently been switched to CMake which is a
cross-platform system for managing the build process. If you are familiar
with the old GNU Build Tools (automake, autoconf, and configure) you can
probably skip over to the CMake quick start guide in README.CMake.
You do not need to read these instructions unless you plan to build and
install the programs manually.
GMT has been installed successfully under UNIX/Linux/OS X on workstations. It
also installs under Windows and in UNIX emulators such as Cygwin or on virtual
machines. We anticipate few problems if you are installing the package on
other platforms.
Note there are three GMT tar archives available (#3 is optional):
1. gmt-5.x.x.tar.bz2: The GMT 5 distribution
2. gshhg-gmt-2.x.x.tar.gz: All five resolutions of GSHHG coastline data
3. dcw-gmt-1.x.x.tar.bz2: Digital Chart of the World polygon data
The archives are available in bzip2 (*.bz2) and gzip (*.gz) formats.
If you do not have bzip2 installed you can obtain source or executables
For Windows users there are separate Windows installers available; this
discussion only considers UNIX/Linux/OS X installations. Windows users who
which to build GMT from the sources refer to README.WIN32.
Install CMake (>=2.8.5) from
Install netCDF library
For all major Linux distributions there are prepackaged development binaries
available. netCDF is also available on MacOSX trough the macports and fink
package managers.
Otherwise, get netCDF from
You need at least version 4.0 with netCDF-4/HDF5 data model support (do not
disable HDF5/ZLIB in netCDF with --disable-netcdf-4).
GDAL (optional)
To use the GDAL interface (ability to provide grids or images to be imported
via gdal) you must have the GDAL library and include files installed. Like
netCDF, GDAL is available through your favorite package manager on many *NIX
Install support data
You can obtain GMT from Alternatively you may
get GMT from any of the following FTP sites. Try the site that is closest to
you to minimize transmission times:
Site FTP address
SOEST, U. of Hawaii
Lab for Satellite Altimetry, NOAA
IRIS, Washington, US
IAG-USP, U. of Sao Paulo, BRAZIL
Dep. Geology, U. in Oslo, NORWAY
ISV, Hokkaido U, Sapporo, JAPAN
GDS, Vienna U. of Technology, AUSTRIA
TENET, Tertiary Education & Research Networks, SOUTH AFRICA
The development sources are available from the subversion repository at
Extract the files and put them in a separate directory (need not be
where you eventually want to install GMT).
GMT can be build on any platform supported by CMake. CMake is a
cross-platform, open-source system for managing the build process.
Refer to README.CMake for further details. In the source tree copy
cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake to cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and edit
the file according to your demands.
By default, GMT will use Dave Watson's Delaunay triangulation routine.
However, a much faster alternative is available from Jonathan Shewchuk, but
his routine is not distributed under the GNU Public License. If you work for
a for-profit organization you should read Shewchuk's copyright statement (in
src/triangle.c) first. If you agree with the license terms you can enable
Shewchuk's triangulation routine in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.
At run-time, GMT will initialize all default variables by reading the
share/gmt.conf. Although strongly discouraged, if you want to make permanent
changes to some of the defaults you can edit the share/gmt.conf file directly.
A much better approach is to create a gmt.conf file in your home directory
and edit those settings since GMT will check for that file before loading
system defaults (actually, it will first look in the current directory, then
the home directory, and then finally in share). See the gmt.conf man page
for a description of all defaults.
To prevent two GMT processes writing to the same gmt.conf file simultaneously
(thereby corrupting it), GMT can implement the POSIX advisory file locking
scheme and sets and releases locks on these files. This might not be reliable
when the files reside in directories on network filesystems, such as NFS.
Whether flock works on network filesystems is implementation dependent. If
you want to activate file locking you may enable it in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.
By default, both GMT and all its supplements are built. You can turn
off all supplements via the BUILD_SUPPLEMENTS setting in ConfigUsers.cmake
The top-level installation directory is configured with the variable
Now that you made your configuration choices it is time for invoking CMake.
Create a subdirectory where the build files will be generated, e.g., in the
source tree 'mkdir build'.
In the build subdirectory, type
cmake [options] ..
Append any of the options explained above as you see fit. If CMake cannot
figure out all the dependent libraries or required compiler and linker flags
it will give you a message and you will be asked to edit
Build GMT
In the build directory, type
which will compile all the programs. After a successful compilation you may
install the executables in the designated bin directory with the command
make install
After a successful install you can have the object files and the local
executables removed by saying
make clean
or just remove the entire build directory.
The documentation is available online at
or as platform independent package that you can install along with GMT.
The GMT documentation includes HTML files for online browsing, user guide,
cookbook, and manual pages. The Documentation also contains the
GMT_Tutorial.pdf file which is a short course in how to use GMT. It can be
still missing!
followed individually or in a lab setting by a group of users.
The development sources from subversion do not contain the precompiled
documentation. The manuals, HTML pages, and PDFs have to be created from
source with Sphinx (see README.CMake).
Set path
Make sure users set their PATH to include the directory containing
the GMT executables (BINDIR) if this is not a standard directory
like /usr/local/bin. You should now be able to run GMT programs.
GMT supplemental Code
GMT users elsewhere have developed programs that utilize the GMT libraries and
produce PostScript code compatible with the rest of GMT or simply perform data
manipulation. In addition, misc. code developed by us depend on GMT
libraries. Currently, the supplemental archive include the directories:
gshhg - Data extractor for GSHHG shoreline polygons and rivers, borders.
img - Data extractor for Smith/Sandwell altimetry grids.
meca - Plotting of focal mechanisms, velocity arrows,
and error ellipses on maps.
mgd77 - Programs for handling of native MGD77 files.
misc - dimfilter
potential - geopotential manipulations
segyprogs - Plotting SEGY seismic data sets.
spotter - Plate tectonic & kinematics applications.
x2sys - Track intersection (crossover) tools.
Before running programs, there are a few things you should do/know:
- Read carefully the documentation for the gmt system. This can be
found as both PDF and HTML files in the doc/pdf|html directories.
The successful operation of gmt-programs depends directly on your
understanding of how gmt "works", its option lists, I/O, and composite
plot mechanisms. Then, before running individual gmt programs, read
the associated man page.
A reminder
If you think it is appropriate, you may consider paying us back by including
our latest EOS article (Wessel, P., W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. F. Luis,
and F. Wobbe (2013), Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released, Eos
Trans. AGU, 94(45), 409-410, doi:10.1002/2013EO450001) in the reference list
of your future publications that will benefit from the availability of GMT.
Software support
You haven't bought anything so you cannot expect full service. However, if
you find a bug in any of the programs, please report it to us
( rather than trying to fix it yourself so that
we, and through us, other users may benefit from your find. Make sure you
provide us with enough information so that we can recreate the problem.
In addition to the bug tracking feature (New Issues) on the website, you
can also post general questions on the GMT user forum. Note that registration
is required to post on the site.
Ordering the GMT package on CD/DVD-Rs
Should you or someone you know without net-access need to obtain GMT:
Geoware makes and distributes CD/DVD-Rs with the GMT package and many
useful data sets. For more details and a full description of the data
sets (up to 60 Gb of data!) visit
Good luck!
The GMT Team.
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$Id: README.CMake 13846 2014-12-28 21:46:54Z pwessel $
Copyright (c) 1991-2015 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis
and F. Wobbe. See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
Contact info:
CMake User Guide
Note: This guide is also available at
Package maintainers note packaging recommendations at
Build and runtime prerequisites
1. Software:
You need Ghostscript, CMake (>=2.8.5), netCDF (>=4.0, netCDF-4/HDF5
support mandatory). Optionally install Sphinx, PCRE, GDAL, and FFTW (single
precision version).
2. Data:
You need gshhg (>=2.2.2); optionally install dcw-gmt (>=1.0.5)
Information for building GMT 5 with CMake
Quick start:
Checkout GMT5 from its subversion repository:
$ svn co svn:// gmt5-dev
$ cd gmt5-dev
$ cp cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake cmake/ConfigUser.cmake
Edit *cmake/ConfigUser.cmake* [see comments in the file]. Then:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..
$ make -jx
where _x_ is the number of threads you want to use and depends on the number
of cores in your CPU and if hyperthreading is available or not.
cmake ill build out-of-source in the the directory _build_. 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE'
can be one of: empty, Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel
$ make -jx install
installs a basic gmt in _build/gmt5_.
NOTE: All cmake command line options such as _-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_ can be
configured in *cmake/ConfigUser.cmake*.
In more detail:
For CMake related questions refer to the CMake manual which is available
To avoid CMake's lengthy command line options you can create your custom
ConfigUser.cmake file in the cmake directory. Simply duplicate the
cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake to cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and then make
changes in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake. See additional comments in that file.
There are two configuration files:
1. "ConfigDefault.cmake" -- is version controlled and used to add new default
variables and set defaults for everyone. You should not edit this file.
2. "ConfigUser.cmake" -- is not version controlled (currently listed in
svn:ignore property) and used to override defaults on a per-user basis.
There is a template file, ConfigUserTemplate.cmake, that you should copy
to ConfigUser.cmake and make your changes therein.
NOTE: If you want to change CMake behaviour for your build then only modify
the "ConfigUser.cmake" file (not "ConfigDefault.cmake").
Invoking CMake:
CMake supports out-of-source builds and puts generated files in a completely
separate directory, so that the source tree is unchanged. Trying to run CMake
in the source tree will result in an error. CMake will first check for the
minimal required version and then search for required and optional libraries
(netCDF, PCRE, GDAL) in the default locations. The configuration step will
fail if dependencies are not met. You have to ensure that CMake can find the
required resources by configuring *cmake/ConfigUser.cmake*.
Finding GSHHG:
GSHHG shorelines are searched in FindGSHHG.cmake and a little helper program
tests the version (gshhg_version.c). If CMake cannot find the shorelines you
have to configure _GSHHG_ROOT_ in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.
Finding DCW:
DCW (Digital Chart of the World) country polygons are searched at compile time.
The DCW data are optional; they are currently used in pscoast -F for painting
individual countries only. If CMake cannot auto-find DCW for you then you can
configure _DCW_ROOT_ in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.
The GMT manual is available in different formats and can be generated with:
$ make -jx docs_man # UNIX manual pages
$ make -jx docs_html # HTML manual, cookbook, and API reference
$ make -jx docs_pdf # PDF manual, cookbook, and API reference
$ make -jx docs_pdf_shrink # Like docs_pdf but with reduced size
To generate the documentation you need to install the Sphinx documentation
builder, and for PDFs you also need LaTeX. You can choose to install the
documentation files from an external location instead of generating the
Manpages, PDF, and HTML files from the sources. This is convenient if Sphinx
and/or LaTeX are not available. Set GMT_INSTALL_EXTERNAL_DOC in
$ make -jx install
will compile and install libps, libgmt, and the gmt executable. Optionally it
will install the GSHHG shorelines (if found), DCW (if found), UNIX manpages,
and HTML and PDF documentation.
You have to explicitly make the latter two beforehand or they will be omitted
during installation. You have the choice between installing into a
traditional directory structure (_-DGMT_INSTALL_TRADITIONAL_FOLDERNAMES=ON_)
where everything goes into a common subdirectory or a distribution-like
installation (PREFIX/bin/gmtSUFFIX, PREFIX/lib/gmtSUFFIX/,
PREFIX/include/gmtSUFFIX/, PREFIX/share/gmtSUFFIX/,
GMT is shipped as a single executable. By default we also set "classic mode"
by installing convenience links for all GMT modules. New GMT users should set
GMT_INSTALL_MODULE_LINKS to FALSE in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake.
Assuming you did not delete the build directory and that your current
working directory is the build directory this is just as simple as
$ cd ..
$ svn up
$ cd -
$ make -jx install
CMake will detect any changes to the source files and will automatically
reconfigure. If you deleted all files inside the build directory you have to
run cmake again manually.
Currently, packaging with CPack works on MacOSX (Bundle, TGZ, TBZ2),
Windows (ZIP, NSIS), and UNIX (TGZ, TBZ2). On Windows you need to install NSIS
( After building GMT and the documentation run
either one of these:
$ make package
$ cpack -G <TGZ|TBZ2|Bundle|ZIP|NSIS>
Creating a source package:
Set GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX in cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and run cmake. Then do
$ make -jx docs_depends # optional but increases speed (parallel build)
$ make gmt_release # export the source tree and install doc
You should then edit ${GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX}/cmake/ConfigDefault.cmake and
GMT_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH. Also uncomment and set
GMT_SOURCE_CODE_CONTROL_VERSION_STRING to the current svn version. Then
create tarballs with:
$ make -jx gmt_release_tar
In-build-dir tests:
A complete set of the example scripts used to create all the example plots,
including all necessary data files, are provided by the installation.
Examples and tests can be build inside GMT_BINARY_DIR *without* installing.
This is very convenient for testing. Just _enable_testing()_, set
_DO_EXAMPLES_ and/or _DO_TESTS_ in ConfigUser.cmake and do:
$ make -jx
$ make check
Optionally set _N_TEST_JOBS_ to the number of ctest jobs to run
simultaneously. You can also select individual tests using regexp with ctest,
$ ctest -R ex2[3-6]
Tests are preferably run through valgrind and GMT's internal memory tracker.
Configure cmake with _add_definitions(-DMEMDEBUG)_ and prior to invoking the
test, export the following variables:
$ export VALGRIND_ARGS="--track-origins=yes --leak-check=full"
The test script will keep gmt_memtrack_<pid>.log and valgrind_<pid>.log files
in the test directories for later inspection, when memory related errors were
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$Id: README.WIN32 12975 2014-03-03 23:11:13Z pwessel $
** HOWTO install GMT5 on Windows using CMake **
== Runtime dependencies
Install a recent Ghostscript version. We recommend the 32 bit version from
== Build dependencies
Microsoft Windows SDK
Note: You don't need Visual Studio 2010. Be aware, that Visual Studio 2010
Express cannot compile x64 binaries. You need the Windows SDK for that.
Download and install Microsofts free SDK for Windows, e.g. v7.1:
Install CMake and select option to add CMake to the system PATH.
You need to install Subversion in order to fetch the sources. Make sure svn is
in the PATH. A Windows version is available here:
Update: Unidata officially provides CMake support since netCDF 4.3.0
Compiling netCDF from scratch on Windows is not an easy task since you need a
lot of dependencies. You could either install a prepackaged development build
from For instance, and hope that it works. Most certainly it will
just not. Hence, we suggest you build netCDF yourself.
Note: In the following examples we assume that dependent libraries are
installed in sudirectories of z:\software\ any other directory is fine
Obtain the CMake bundled sources of netCDF via subversion from
svn:// and follow
the instructions in README.CMake in the netcdf-4.1.3 directory.
OK, well done. You successfully finished installing all required dependencies
for GMT. If you don't need PCRE and GDAL than you are all ready to build GMT!
PCRE (optional)
Get PCRE from and extract in
- Open the SDK Command Prompt:
cd z:\software\src\pcre-8.30\
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=z:\software -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..
nmake install
- Check if you can run 'pcregrep' from the command prompt.
GDAL (optional)
We assume that you already installed HDF4, HDF5, cURL, netCDF to z:\software.
If that is not the case get the sources of netCDF for Windows from
and follow the instructions in README.CMake in the source directory.
Now that all dependent libraries are available we can proceed with GDAL. In
the following we assume that the target install directory for GDAL is
z:\software as well.
- Get the GDAL sources from
- Extract in z:\software\src\gdal-1.9.0
- Create a file z:\software\src\gdal-1.9.0\nmake.local with the following
MSVC_VER = 1600
GDAL_HOME = z:\software
HDF4_DIR = "c:\Program Files\HDF Group\HDF4\4.2.7"
HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib hdfdll.lib mfhdfdll.lib
HDF5_DIR = "c:\Program Files\HDF Group\HDF5\1.8.8"
HDF5_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF5_DIR)\lib hdf5dll.lib
NETCDF_LIB = z:\software\lib\netcdf.lib
NETCDF_INC_DIR = z:\software\include
CURL_DIR = z:\software
CURL_INC = -I$(CURL_DIR)\include
CURL_LIB = $(CURL_DIR)\lib\libcurl_imp.lib Ws2_32.lib
Change the options according to your local setup. If unsure check the defaults
in nmake.opt.
- Open Windows SDK Command Prompt
cd z:\software\src\gdal-1.9.0\
nmake /f
nmake /f devinstall
- Make sure z:\software\bin is in the PATH and type 'ogr2ogr'.
It should greet you with usage information if everything is fine.
NSIS (optional)
You also need to install NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) if you want
to bundle GMT with all dependent DLLs and create a Windows intaller.
Download from
== Building GMT5
Finally we are ready to compile GMT5.
- Get GMT and GSHHG (Shoreline Database) from
- In the source tree copy cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake to
cmake/ConfigUser.cmake and edit the file according to your demands. This is
an example:
set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX z:/software/gmt5msc)
set (GSHHG_ROOT z:/software/src/gshhg-gmt)
set (NETCDF_ROOT z:/software)
set (GDAL_ROOT z:/software)
set (PCRE_ROOT z:/software)
- Open Windows SDK Command Prompt
set PATH=%PATH%;z:\software\bin
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
nmake docs_html
nmake install
- Typing 'gmt' should get you with a short message. You need to set your PATH
to the directory specified in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:
set PATH=%PATH%;z:\software\gmt5msc\bin
Congratulations you managed to install GMT5 on your machine!
Packaging with NSIS (optional)
Note: If you just want to create a GMT package you do not need to 'nmake
install' above.
CPack supports stand-alone ZIP archives and NSIS installers on Windows. After
building GMT run:
nmake package
This will create both a ZIP archive and NSIS installer. If there are no issues
then you will obtain three files, e.g.:
Dependency walking takes a long time so be patient. You can save some time if
you are only interested in one of the two package options. Invoke CPack
cpack -G <ZIP|NSIS>
The software packages are self contained and already include all dependent
DLLs (netCDF, GDAL, PCRE, ...).
The GMT Team
vim: ft=asciidoc tw=78 et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 autoindent smartindent
# Generic Mapping Tools
[![Documentation (development version)](](
## What is GMT?
GMT is an open source collection of about 90 command-line tools for manipulating
geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding,
projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations ranging from simple x–y
plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective
views. The GMT supplements add another 50 more specialized and discipline-specific
tools. GMT supports over 30 map projections and transformations and requires
support data such as [GSHHG](
coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries and optionally
[DCW]( country polygons.
GMT is developed and maintained by [the GMT Team](,
with help from a global set of [contributors](
and support by the [National Science Foundation](
It is released under the
[GNU Lesser General Public License](
version 3 or any later version.
## The GMT World Domination
Considering its flexibility at no charge, people worldwide are using GMT in their
work and at home. Most users of GMT are Earth, ocean or planetary scientists, but
there are apparently no limits to the kind of applications that may benefit from
GMT. We know GMT is used in medical research, engineering, physics, mathematics,
social and biological sciences, and by geographers, fisheries institutes, oil
companies, a wide range of government agencies, and last but not least innumerable
## A reminder
If you think it is appropriate, you may consider paying us back by including
our latest EOS article in the reference list of your future publications that
will benefit from the availability of GMT:
> Wessel, P., W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. F. Luis, and F. Wobbe (2013),
> Generic Mapping Tools: Improved version released, Eos Trans. AGU, 94(45),
> 409-410, doi:[10.1002/2013EO450001](
## Install GMT
GMT has been installed successfully under UNIX/Linux/OS X on workstations. It
also installs under Windows and in UNIX emulators such as Cygwin or on virtual
machines. We anticipate few problems if you are installing the package on
other platforms.
Note there are three GMT tar archives available (#3 is optional):
1. gmt-6.x.x.tar.bz2: The GMT 6 distribution
2. gshhg-gmt-2.x.x.tar.gz: All five resolutions of GSHHG coastline data
3. dcw-gmt-1.x.x.tar.bz2: Digital Chart of the World polygon data
For macOS and Windows users there are separate installers available.
You can obtain GMT and support data from the [GMT main site](
Alternatively you may get GMT from any of the [FTP sites](
Try the site that is closest to you to minimize transmission times:
Refer to the [install instructions]( to install GMT,
and [build instructions]( to build GMT from the sources.
## GMT supplemental Code
GMT users elsewhere have developed programs that utilize the GMT libraries and
produce PostScript code compatible with the rest of GMT or simply perform data
manipulation. Currently, the supplemental archive include these directories:
- geodesy: Velocity arrows and error ellipses, solid Earth tides, GPS gridding.
- gshhg: Data extractor for GSHHG shoreline polygons and rivers, borders.
- img: Data extractor for Smith/Sandwell altimetry grids.
- mgd77: Programs for handling of native MGD77 files.
- potential: Geopotential manipulations.
- segy: Plotting SEGY seismic data sets.
- seis: Plotting of focal mechanisms and SAC (seismic Analysis Code) data.
- spotter: Plate tectonic & kinematics applications.
- x2sys: Track intersection (crossover) tools.
## Misc
Before running programs, there are a few things you should do/know:
Read carefully the documentation for the gmt system. This can be
found as both PDF and HTML files in the doc/pdf|html directories.
The successful operation of gmt-programs depends directly on your
understanding of how gmt "works", its option lists, I/O, and composite
plot mechanisms. Then, before running individual gmt programs, read
the associated man page.
## Software support
You haven't bought anything so you cannot expect full service. However, if
you find a bug in any of the programs, please report it to us
( rather than trying to fix it yourself so that
we, and through us, other users may benefit from your find. Make sure you
provide us with enough information so that we can recreate the problem.
In addition to the bug tracking feature (New Issues) on the website, you
can also post general questions. Note that GitHub registration
is required to post on the site.
## Ordering the GMT package on CD/DVD-Rs
Should you or someone you know without net-access need to obtain GMT:
Geoware makes and distributes CD/DVD-Rs with the GMT package and many
useful data sets. For more details and a full description of the data
sets (up to 60 Gb of data!) visit
# $Id: ConfigDefault.cmake 14257 2015-04-29 19:52:45Z fwobbe $
# Copyright (c) 1991-2015 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis and F. Wobbe
# Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by the GMT Team (
# See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# Contact info:
# Contact info:
# Default GMT settings. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!
......@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@
# 1) "ConfigDefault.cmake" - is version controlled and used to add new default
# variables and set defaults for everyone.
# 2) "ConfigUser.cmake" - is not version controlled (currently listed in
# svn:ignore property) and used to override defaults on a per-user basis.
# .gitignore) and used to override defaults on a per-user basis.
# NOTE: If you want to change CMake behaviour just for yourself then copy
# "ConfigUserTemplate.cmake" to "ConfigUser.cmake" and then edit
......@@ -35,47 +34,54 @@ set (GMT_PACKAGE_NAME "GMT")
# a short description of the gmt project (only a few words).
set (GMT_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "The Generic Mapping Tools")
# GMT_VERSION_YEAR is set to current date in
# cmake/modules/ConfigCMake.cmake if not specified here:
set (GMT_VERSION_YEAR "2015")
# Year of the current GMT release.
set (GMT_VERSION_YEAR "2019")
# The GMT package version.
# If this is a beta version or similar, add a string suffix
# The subversion revision of the GMT source code.
# This is manually set when making GMT *public* releases.
# However, when making internal releases or just an ordinary developer build, leave it
# empty; if it is empty, the revision number is automatically populated for you on build.
# Whether to make a public release.
# When making internal releases or just an ordinary developer build, it is set to FALSE.
# When making *public* release, uncomment to set it to TRUE.
# The GMT package version.
# The API version (SOVERSION) of the GMT libraries.
# Increment this when more or fewer functions are included in the
# library, the function prototype changes, or data type changes.
# The build version (VERSION) of the GMT libraries.
# The GMT wiki location
set (GMT_TRAC_WIKI "")
# The GMT documentation URL
set (GMT_DOC_URL "")
# Use SI units per default
set (UNITS "SI")
endif (NOT UNITS)
# The max RMS error in graphicmagick comparisons of PS files
# File locking off
set (FLOCK off)
# Build supplements is on
# Install into traditional directory structure per default
......@@ -107,20 +113,10 @@ if (NOT DEFINED GMT_RELEASE_PREFIX)
# Default location of optional third-party files used by test suite
# available from svn://
set (GMT_TEST_DATA ${GMT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/data)
# The GMT copyright - string version to be used in a source file.
set (GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING "${GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING}Copyright 1991-${GMT_VERSION_YEAR} Paul Wessel, Walter H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis and F. Wobbe\\n")
set (GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING "${GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING}This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\\n")
set (GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING "${GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING}You may redistribute copies of this program under the terms of the\\n")
set (GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING "${GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING}For more information about these matters, see the file named LICENSE.TXT.\\n")
# Default location of remote data server
set (GMT_DATA_URL "")
# You can set the build configuration type as a command-line argument to 'cmake' using -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug for example.
......@@ -146,11 +142,8 @@ set (GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING "${GMT_COPYRIGHT_STRING}\\n")
# Should we set build type to RelWithDebInfo for developers and
# to release for general public (ie when GPLATES_SOURCE_RELEASE is true) ?
# Currently it's Release for both.
"Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel ${extra_build_configurations}."
"Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel."
......@@ -173,10 +166,20 @@ if (NOT DEFINED CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE)
# prefer shared libs over static
# look also for lib64 when building 64-bit binaries
# search order for find_*
# vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
# install GMT developer include files
# $Id: ConfigUserTemplate.cmake 13960 2015-01-22 16:45:23Z fwobbe $
# Copyright (c) 1991-2015 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis and F. Wobbe
# Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by the GMT Team (
# See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
......@@ -13,13 +12,13 @@
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License
# for more details.
# Contact info:
# Contact info:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use this file to override variables in 'ConfigDefault.cmake' on a per-user
# basis. First copy 'ConfigUserTemplate.cmake' to 'ConfigUser.cmake', then
# edit 'ConfigUser.cmake'. 'ConfigUser.cmake' is not version controlled
# (currently listed in svn:ignore property)
# (currently listed in .gitignore).
# Note: CMake considers an empty string, "FALSE", "OFF", "NO", or any string
# ending in "-NOTFOUND" to be false (this happens to be case-insensitive, so
......@@ -34,7 +33,8 @@
# ============================================================================
# Basic setup begins here. All settings are optional. In most cases, setting
# CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX should be all you need to do in order to build GMT with
# reasonable defaults enabled.
# reasonable defaults enabled. Note: If you need to specify directory names
# with spaces (e.g., on Windows) then you must put them in quotes.
# ============================================================================
# Installation path (usually defaults to /usr/local) [auto]:
......@@ -55,6 +55,15 @@
# Make executables relocatable on supported platforms (relative RPATH) [FALSE]:
# Exclude optional GDAL, PCRE, PCRE2, FFTW3, LAPACK, BLAS, ZLIB dependencies even if you have them installed [FALSE]
# ============================================================================
# Advanced configuration begins here. Usually it is not necessary to edit any
# settings below. You should know what you are doing if you do though. Note:
......@@ -95,18 +104,31 @@
## automatically detect the rights version or path.)
# Set URL to GMT Data server [auto]:
#set (GMT_DATA_URL "data_server_url")
# Set path to GSHHG Shoreline Database [auto]:
#set (GSHHG_ROOT "gshhg_path")
# Copy GSHHG files to $/coast [FALSE]:
# Copy GSHHG files to ${GMT_DATADIR}/coast [FALSE]:
# Set path to DCW Digital Chart of the World for GMT [auto]:
#set (DCW_ROOT "dcw-gmt_path")
# Copy DCW files to $/dcw [FALSE]:
# Copy DCW files to ${GMT_DATADIR}/dcw [FALSE]:
# Copy GDAL's 'data' directory to ${GMT_DATADIR}/GDAL_DATA [FALSE]:
#set (GDAL_DATA_PATH C:/programs/compa_libs/gdal_GIT/compileds/VC14_64/data)
# Copy PROJ4's 'share' directory to ${GMT_DATADIR}/GDAL_DATA [FALSE]:
#set (PROJ_DATA_PATH C:/programs/compa_libs/proj5_GIT/compileds/VC14_64/share/proj)
# Set path to location where the gmtmex is located.
#set (GMTMEX_PATH "C:/progs_cygw/GMTdev/gmtmex/${GMTver}")
# Set location of NetCDF (can be root directory, path to header file or path
# to nc-config) [auto]:
#set (NETCDF_ROOT "netcdf_install_prefix")
......@@ -118,6 +140,9 @@
# Set location of PCRE (can be root directory, path to header file or path to
# pcre-config) [auto]:
#set (PCRE_ROOT "pcre_install_prefix")
# Alternatively, set location of PCRE2 (can be root directory, path to header file or path to
# pcre2-config) [auto]:
#set (PCRE2_ROOT "pcre2_install_prefix")
# Set location of single precision FFTW (can be root directory or path to
# header file) [auto]:
......@@ -126,6 +151,24 @@
# Set location of ZLIB (can be root directory or path to header file) [auto]:
#set (ZLIB_ROOT "zlib_install_prefix")
# Set location of CURL (can be root directory or path to header file) [auto]:
#set (CURL_ROOT "curl_install_prefix")
# Set location of GLIB component gthread [auto]. This is an optional (and
# experimental) option which you need to enable:
# If pkg-config is not installed (e.g. on Windows) you need to specify these:
#set (GLIB_INCLUDE_DIR c:/path/to/glib-dev/include/glib-2.0)
#set (GLIB_LIBRARIES c:/path/to/glib-dev/lib/glib-2.0.lib)
# Set location of pthreads-win32 (only Windows); needs GMT_USE_THREADS:
#set (PTHREADS_WIN32_ROOT c:/prefix/of/pthreads-win32)
# Set LAPACK location. Use this when want to link with LAPACK and it's not found automatically
#set (LAPACK_LIBRARY "V:/lapack-3.5.0/build/lib/liblapack.lib")
#set (BLAS_LIBRARY "V:/lapack-3.5.0/build/lib/libblas.lib")
## Section 3: GMT features
......@@ -135,6 +178,9 @@
# triangulation (valid values are GPL, LGPL and off) [off]:
# Allow building of OpenMP if compiler supports it
# Configure default units (possible values are SI and US) [SI]:
#set (UNITS "US")
......@@ -143,12 +189,18 @@
# Create position independent code on all targets [auto] (needed for static
# build on non-x86:
# build on non-x86):
# Build GMT shared lib with supplemental modules [TRUE]:
# Build/Install GMT Developer include files [TRUE]:
# This installs the extra include files and configured files needed by 3rd-party
# developers. Until we build a separate gmt-devel we include them in the main
# Distribution.
## Section 4: Advanced tweaking
......@@ -163,13 +215,10 @@
# Number of parallel test jobs with "make check":
#set (N_TEST_JOBS 4)
# Location of optional third-party files used by test suite available from
# svn:// [${GMT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/data]
#set (GMT_TEST_DATA "test_data_path")
# Enable this option to run GMT programs from within ${GMT_BINARY_DIR} without
# installing or setting GMT_SHAREDIR and GMT_USERDIR first. This is required
# for testing [OFF]:
......@@ -177,8 +226,10 @@
# List extra sub-dirs of 'src' with a CMakeList.txt to build non-module codes
# that link against the full gmt libs (not just the API; for building codes
# that only need the GMT API, see the gmtextension project).
# that only need the GMT API, see the gmt-custom project).
#set (EXTRA_BUILD_DIRS apidemo)
# Uncomment the following line to enable running low-level C tests of the API
# Directory in which to install the release sources per default
......@@ -201,6 +252,7 @@
## So Xcode can find the supplemental plug-ins during debug sessions
# add_definitions(-DXCODER)
# add_definitions(-DDEBUG_MODERN) # To set PPID == 0 during Xcode test
# message("Add Xcode definition for GMT")
......@@ -208,8 +260,12 @@
#set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement") # recommended even for release build
#set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wextra ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") # extra warnings
#set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG -ggdb3) # gdb debugging symbols
#set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized") # check uninitialized variables
#set (CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_DEBUG_MODE TRUE) # debug link dependencies
set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized -flax-vector-conversions") # check uninitialized variables
set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "-ggdb3 -O2 -Wuninitialized") # check uninitialized variables
# System specific tweaks
......@@ -235,6 +291,7 @@
# If want to rename the DLLs to something else than the default (e.g. to
# append the bitness - Windows only)
# WARNING: if using this option it is mandatory that the suffix starts with an underscore.
#if (WIN32)
# set (BITAGE 32)
# # Detect if we are building a 32 or 64 bits version
......@@ -249,5 +306,3 @@
# add_definitions(/D_ALLOW_KEYWORD_MACROS)
# vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
# $Id: CMakeLists.txt 14252 2015-04-29 00:01:02Z jluis $
# Copyright (c) 1991-2015 by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
# Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by the GMT Team (
# See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
......@@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# Contact info:
# Contact info:
......@@ -24,18 +23,18 @@ set (CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "The Generic Mapping Tools data processin
if (WIN32)
else (WIN32)
endif (WIN32)
# A license with an accept button will only be displayed if
......@@ -73,10 +72,10 @@ if (GMT_BUNDLE_ACCEPT_BUTTON)
# Append to COPYING.COMBINED or create new combined license file
# Install components:
set (CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL Runtime Documentation DCW GSHHG)
......@@ -87,6 +86,8 @@ set (CPACK_COMPONENT_DCW_DESCRIPTION
"Digital Chart of the World files.")
"Shoreline database files.")
"GDAL & PROJ4 auxiliary files.")
# Create two installation types with pre-selected components:
......@@ -94,6 +95,8 @@ set (CPACK_INSTALL_TYPE_FULL_DISPLAY_NAME "Everything")
# One package per COMPONENT:
......@@ -149,7 +152,7 @@ if (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN)
string(REPLACE "/" "\\\\" _native_share_path "${GMT_DATADIR}")
set (CPACK_NSIS_ADD_ENVVAL1 "\\\$INSTDIR\\\\${_native_share_path}")
# StartMenu items:
......@@ -162,6 +165,21 @@ if (WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN)
# Install vcomp120.dll
endif (OMP_DLL_LOC)
# Install the gmtmex on Windows. Its location is controlled by GMTMEX_PATH set in ConfigUser.cmake
else ()
endif ()
endif ()
# Fix bundle:
install (CODE "
......@@ -185,7 +203,7 @@ if (APPLE)
# Configure CPack:
......@@ -245,5 +263,3 @@ set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR TGZ TBZ2 ZIP)
# This must always be last:
include (CPack)
# vim: textwidth=78 noexpandtab tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
No preview for this file type
......@@ -5,31 +5,31 @@
<string>GMT is an open source collection of ~80 command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets.</string>
<string>Copyright © 1991-@GMT_VERSION_YEAR@ by P. Wessel, W. H. F. Smith, R. Scharroo, J. Luis, and F. Wobbe
<string>Copyright © 1991-@GMT_VERSION_YEAR@ by the GMT Team (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.</string>
# List of extra files to include in the installer
# This file is prepared to use JL's installation paths.
SET (PATO_GDAL_BIN "C:/programs/compa_libs/gdal_GIT/compileds/${VC}_${BITAGE}/bin")
SET (PATO_PROJ_BIN "C:/programs/compa_libs/proj5_GIT/compileds/${VC}_${BITAGE}/bin")
install (PROGRAMS
install (PROGRAMS