Commits on Source (24)
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit 5fa43d94.
fb0f3a01 -
Bas Couwenberg authored14a458f6
Bas Couwenberg authored2b33e7b0
Bas Couwenberg authoredebfa3f39
Bas Couwenberg authored7f4563fd
Bas Couwenberg authoredd3c36ab6
Bas Couwenberg authoredc0177731
Bas Couwenberg authoredf98efccd
Bas Couwenberg authoredb6d2be6d
Bas Couwenberg authoreddf99cd2a
Bas Couwenberg authored9326c313
Bas Couwenberg authoredf0063b0d
Bas Couwenberg authored8412bce5
Bas Couwenberg authoredbb4ffb14
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '7.8.0~rc1' with Debian dir d1149572be90c967f5a2ee19c5aa1de1d2cdf9a6
40eeb45a -
Bas Couwenberg authoredd429d50f
Bas Couwenberg authored1f5ffdcd
Bas Couwenberg authored0fe3b2e3
Bas Couwenberg authoredacfa5256
Bas Couwenberg authored3a8fa795
Bas Couwenberg authored3b77aa48
Bas Couwenberg authored
Changes: - Update copyright years for Supreet Singh - Add Shubham Sharma & Marcus D. Hanwell to copyright holders
08dc025d -
Bas Couwenberg authored08b50b34
Bas Couwenberg authored8e9a8712
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0 → 100644
File added
100755 → 100644
100755 → 100644
This diff is collapsed.