Commits on Source (13)
Bas Couwenberg authorede0a9f447
Bas Couwenberg authored7cc56cf1
Bas Couwenberg authored73cfdc11
Bas Couwenberg authored3e28d80b
Bas Couwenberg authorede76e2523
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '7.4.3' with Debian dir 2327488499cb0e6dba91c27b505bd4d6c6f2d592
725adb97 -
Bas Couwenberg authoreddf17e2f4
Bas Couwenberg authoredc5403662
Bas Couwenberg authored7e73b975
Bas Couwenberg authoreddd9a9efb
Bas Couwenberg authored127afc36
Bas Couwenberg authored
releasing package mapserver version 7.4.3-1
c4688e7e -
Bas Couwenberg authored10ced127
File moved