Commits on Source (38)
Bas Couwenberg authored959b7e5a
Bas Couwenberg authoredb93477ca
Bas Couwenberg authored6dc821e5
Bas Couwenberg authored9a132fc3
Bas Couwenberg authored
Upstream version 2.0.0
d3e5a453 -
Bas Couwenberg authored
Changes: - Update Format URL to use HTTPS - Update Source URL to GitHub - Drop Files-Excluded, repacking no longer required - Add license & copyright for jsoncpp & - Update Files path for restructured upstream source tree
3e5183d7 -
Bas Couwenberg authored0bc901df
Bas Couwenberg authoredf6f99a75
Bas Couwenberg authoredf109cfd2
Bas Couwenberg authoreddb68aca2
Bas Couwenberg authored204a1e3d
Bas Couwenberg authoreda91b12a3
Bas Couwenberg authoredf3d443b2
Bas Couwenberg authored41863385
Bas Couwenberg authorede20ef8da
Bas Couwenberg authoredd0a7aeb8
Bas Couwenberg authored
Upstream version 2.1.0
8be47bcc -
Bas Couwenberg authored802aa3d4
Bas Couwenberg authored60963df0
Bas Couwenberg authored611e8bb8
Bas Couwenberg authoreda76d82f5
Bas Couwenberg authored6d53d5b8
Bas Couwenberg authored6aa7810f
Bas Couwenberg authoredb6b7a82f
Bas Couwenberg authored
Upstream version 2.2.0
110783a4 -
Bas Couwenberg authored6975af4d
Bas Couwenberg authored172c97ae
Bas Couwenberg authoredd131699f
Bas Couwenberg authoredb97ddac1
Bas Couwenberg authorede7cac3e3
Bas Couwenberg authored5a0f4bdf
Bas Couwenberg authored40f0ebce
Bas Couwenberg authored1fa7a11a
Bas Couwenberg authored6007da4d
Bas Couwenberg authored5c001589
Bas Couwenberg authored8af5b0cf
Bas Couwenberg authored
This reverts commit 9a132fc3.
b2734192 -
Bas Couwenberg authored5370d230
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0 → 100644
0 → 100644
File moved
File moved