Commits on Source (11)
Bas Couwenberg authored8ce2be41
Bas Couwenberg authored9beeb2e6
Bas Couwenberg authored467502ab
Bas Couwenberg authored
Update to upstream version '3.0.0~alpha4+dfsg' with Debian dir a65ac8ba05121fe953f14e6a9253b04ba81be0d4
bcd07b74 -
Bas Couwenberg authoreddc4810ae
Bas Couwenberg authoredfa7d3728
Bas Couwenberg authorede0b2c791
Christoph Berg authoreda52587b0
Christoph Berg authoredf3803992
Christoph Berg authored
Instead of conflicting with older postgresql-*-postgis-*-scripts packages, use the alternatives system for managing the extension/*.control files. This finally allows us to depend on the -scripts package from the main extension package.
69920887 -
Christoph Berg authored69ab0db3
0 → 100644
0 → 100644
100644 → 0