Commits on Source (48)
Bas Couwenberg authored2e3ab634
Bas Couwenberg authoredde8f33ed
Bas Couwenberg authorede2dad31c
Bas Couwenberg authored9c05073d
Bas Couwenberg authored31e75fa9
Bas Couwenberg authored90cb0279
Bas Couwenberg authored2efa801d
Bas Couwenberg authored39810d25
Bas Couwenberg authored
Upstream version 3.4.5+dfsg
31427419 -
Bas Couwenberg authoredcbb611fb
Bas Couwenberg authored5b526cf4
Bas Couwenberg authored8ab7f3c5
Bas Couwenberg authoredd115f825
Bas Couwenberg authored
Changes: - Update main copyright holders - Group license & copyright for CMake files - Add license & copyright for external files - Add license & copyright for new files - Drop license & copyright for remove files
664487d4 -
Bas Couwenberg authoredf2414dca
Bas Couwenberg authored5560f5df
Bas Couwenberg authorede2fbca88
Bas Couwenberg authoreda4d14a33
Bas Couwenberg authored0da92e07
Bas Couwenberg authored522aee90
Bas Couwenberg authored542f76e7
Bas Couwenberg authored699b44db
Bas Couwenberg authored34f31da9
Bas Couwenberg authoredb23b8dc8
Bas Couwenberg authoredef9d0d0a
Bas Couwenberg authored85c9bc99
Bas Couwenberg authored3b044dbe
Bas Couwenberg authored0451aad1
Bas Couwenberg authored6e5c5b8c
Bas Couwenberg authored0d0e2e0a
Bas Couwenberg authoredec245db6
Martin Landa authored255f7c67
Bas Couwenberg authoredf0fac6ec
Martin Landa authoredb7eb7d98
Martin Landa authored9ed00053
Martin Landa authored09625983
Bas Couwenberg authored4a215598
Bas Couwenberg authored
Upstream version 3.4.6+dfsg
64532357 -
Bas Couwenberg authoredcdfa9bc8
Bas Couwenberg authoredd151c669
Bas Couwenberg authoredf6cf91a2
Bas Couwenberg authored75e9abd0
Bas Couwenberg authored25e86275
Bas Couwenberg authoredc70271b4
Bas Couwenberg authored216e2089
Martin Landa authoreded13d599
Martin Landa authored95a1c329
Martin Landa authored09084f85
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