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......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ debhelper (11.2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* dh_installxfonts: Fix typo that causes a misc:Depends on
non-existing xfont-utils. (Closes: #894835)
* dh_installwm.1: Document --all. (Closes: #895011)
* dh_usrlocal: Fix bug where the generated prerm script generated
by dh_usrlocal could remove a directory directly in /usr/local.
(Closes: #894549)
[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
* Lower the version restrictions on dpkg and dpkg-dev. They are not
......@@ -77,54 +77,49 @@ foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
if (-d "$tmp/usr/local") {
my (@dirs, @justdirs);
find({bydepth => 1,
no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $fn = $File::Find::name;
if (-d $fn) {
my $user = 'root';
my $group = 'staff';
my $mode = '02775';
if (should_use_root()) {
my $stat = stat $fn;
$user = getpwuid $stat->uid;
$group = getgrgid $stat->gid;
$mode = sprintf "%04lo", ($stat->mode & 07777);
if ($stat->uid == 0 && $stat->gid == 0) {
$group = 'staff';
$mode = '02775';
$fn =~ s!^\Q$tmp\E!!;
return if $fn eq '/usr/local';
# @dirs is in parents-first order for dir creation...
unshift @dirs, "$fn $mode $user $group";
# ...whereas @justdirs is depth-first for removal.
push @justdirs, $fn;
doit('rmdir', $_);
else {
warning("$fn is not a directory");
find({no_chdir => 1,
preprocess => sub {
# Ensure a reproducible traversal.
return sort @_;
postprocess => sub {
# Uninstall, unless a direct child of /usr/local.
$_ = $File::Find::dir;
push @justdirs, $_ if m!/usr/local/.*/!;
# Remove a directory after its childs.
doit('rmdir', $File::Find::dir);
wanted => sub {
# rmdir would fail later anyways.
error("${File::Find::name} is not a directory")
if not -d $File::Find::name;
# Install directory before its childs.
my $fn = $File::Find::name;
$fn =~ s!^\Q$tmp\E!!;
return if $fn eq '/usr/local';
if (should_use_root()) {
my $stat = stat $File::Find::dir;
if ($stat->uid == 0 && $stat->gid == 0) {
push @dirs, "$fn 02775 root staff";
} else {
my $user = getpwuid $stat->uid;
my $group = getgrgid $stat->gid;
my $mode = sprintf "%04lo", ($stat->mode & 07777);
push @dirs, "$fn $mode $user $group";
} else {
push @dirs, "$fn 02775 root staff";
}}, "$tmp/usr/local");
doit('rmdir', "$tmp/usr/local");
my $bs = "\\"; # A single plain backslash
my $ebs = $bs x 2; # Escape the backslash from the shell
# This constructs the body of a 'sed' c\ expression which
# is parsed by the shell in double-quotes
my $dirs = join("$ebs\n", sort @dirs);
pop @justdirs; # don't remove directories directly in /usr/local
my $justdirs = join("$ebs\n", reverse sort @justdirs);
if (! $dh{NOSCRIPTS}) {
autoscript($package,"postinst", "postinst-usrlocal",
"/#DIRS#/ c${ebs}\n${dirs}");
{ 'DIRS' => join ("\n", @dirs)}) if @dirs;
autoscript($package,"prerm", "prerm-usrlocal",
"/#JUSTDIRS#/ c${ebs}\n${justdirs}") if length $justdirs;
{ 'JUSTDIRS' => join ("\n", @justdirs)}) if @justdirs;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
plan(tests => 1);
use File::Path qw(remove_tree);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use lib dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
use Test::DH;
use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib qw(!dirname);
sub extract_generated_lines {
my ($file) = @_;
my (@lines, $marker);
return if not -f $file;
open(my $fd, '<', $file) or error("open($file) failed: $!");
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
if (defined($marker)) {
last if $line eq $marker;
push(@lines, $line);
if ($line =~ m{\s*<<\s*(\S+)\s*$}) {
$marker = $1;
return @lines;
each_compat_subtest {
my (@postinst, @prerm);
my @scripts = qw(
@postinst = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.postinst.debhelper");
@prerm = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.prerm.debhelper");
is_deeply(\@postinst, [
'/usr/local/bar 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/foo 02775 root staff',
], "Correct dir creation")
or do { diag("postinst: $_") for @postinst; };
is_deeply(\@prerm, [], "No removal of top level dirs #894549")
or do { diag("prerm: $_") for @prerm; };
@postinst = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.postinst.debhelper");
@prerm = extract_generated_lines("debian/debhelper.prerm.debhelper");
is_deeply(\@postinst, [
'/usr/local/bar 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/bar/another-dir 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/bar/another-dir/elsewhere 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/foo 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/foo/dir 02775 root staff',
'/usr/local/foo/dir/somewhere 02775 root staff',
], "Correct dir creation")
or do { diag("postinst: $_") for @postinst; };
is_deeply(\@prerm, [
], "Correct dir removal")
or do { diag("prerm: $_") for @prerm; };