The future of with MoinMoin 1.9.x
The problem is hosted on
It uses still Python 2 and MoinMoin 1.9.x series
Because of Python 2 EOL, and removed from bullseye, there is no upgrade path to bullseye. It means that these packages are not managed by packaged version of MoinMoin in bullseye or later.
Actual situation
Since Bullseye, python-moinmoin is not installable anymore. is maintained by DSA, it may be enough to leave it to DSA.
Expected situation
There may be some choices.
- Migrate MoinMoin 2.0, but it have to pay migration costs.
- Keep MoinMoin 1.9 with buster
Migrate MoinMoin 2.0, but it have to pay migration costs.
No MoinMoin 2.0 release, we need to package it.
Need to content conversion
Keep MoinMoin 1.9 with buster
- Use until EOL up to 2022
- Use until EOL LTS up to ~2024 (T.B.D)
- Use until EOL ELTS up to ~202X (T.B.D) if python-moinmoin is supported. not in supported-packages yet.
In the future, it may be better to migrate to MoinMoin 2.0, but as a conservative approach, it is reasonable to keep MoinMoin 1.9 with buster.
Additional information
In the past, we have a discussion about this topic, but it may not concluded.
NOTE: SytemInfo says that MoinMoin 1.9.9 is used. The latest version is MoinMoin 1.9.11, but Debian's MoinMoin use a patched version which was CVE patch back-ported