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In this release, refactoring, small bug fixes and minor improvements.

The most noticeable change is internal and also some API breakage,
however functionally speaking everything should stay similar.

What changed:

- new internal API to make it easier to add new commands or new variants of commands
- speed up big query results (e.g. when there are many completion candidates)
- improve error reporting
- tasks can be run synchronously or asynchronously
- support for more than one unsaved buffers
- support new libclang versions
- travis-ci now runs `clang-tidy` on irony-server source files
- completion candidates can be filtered base on availability

API break on completion impacted at least the following project,
which also needs to be updated:

- company-irony
- irony-eldoc
- counsel-irony

Known broken APIs are:

- `irony-completion-candidates-async`: the async callback now takes the
  candidates as parameter
- `irony-completion-at-point-async` disappeared,
  it should be removed from irony-mode configuration:

      ;; remove this
      (define-key irony-mode-map [remap completion-at-point] 'irony-completion-at-point-async)

  The function is no longer needed because `irony-completion-at-point` now works
  like one would expect, it request the completion synchronously.
  If asynchronous completion is needed, it should be written manually,
  but this no longer releated to completion-at-point.