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  • Sunil Mohan Adapa's avatar
    *: Remove use of cliapp library as it seems unmaintained · ecb69c7c
    Sunil Mohan Adapa authored and James Valleroy's avatar James Valleroy committed
    - Implement continuous reading of stdin and stdout over subprocess.POpen instead
    of cliapp.runcmd(). We loose the ability to run multiple commands using a pipe.
    This is okay for now.
    - Use threads instead of select() to keep the implementation relatively simple.
    Overall build performance is unlikely to be effected.
    - Use terminology instead of cliapp terminology.
    - Run unittests.
    - Build amd64 and a20-olinuxino-lime2 targets. The latter failed with slapd
    related failures.
    - Interrupt the build process in the middle and confirm that cleanups are
    happening as expected.
    - Confirm that logging output is same as before the changes.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJames Valleroy <>