The LeavingTheCloud page marks i2p-Bote with an 'X' Someone needs to file an RFP or ITP bugreport and update this page with resulting bug number.
It works for me after doing these steps on Pioneer Freedombox-HSK:
- upgrading i2p to version 0.9.48 from 0.9.38
- Copy mhatta’s certificate from: https://people.debian.org/~mhatta/mhatta_at_mail.i2p.crt to /usr/share/i2p/certificates/plugin
- install latest i2pbote.su3 plugin from https://people.debian.org/~mhatta/i2pbote.su3
I installed the i2pbote.su3 plugin using the web interface to the router. However, since my browser was running on my laptop and not on the FreedomBox, I first needed to create some tunnels from my laptop to the FreedomBox so that the "Manage Plugins" button n the router page would work properly.
I created these 3 tunnels: ssh -f -N -L 7658: -L 4444: -L 4445: -L 7657: freedombox@freedombox.local
There's probably a way to install plugins on the FreedomBox without going through the router webpage. If so, then should be possible to create i2p-Bote app that could be installed with one-click.