PackageKit is not a direct dependency for Plinth
Created by: marxistvegan
This is a new install on a beaglebone black.
For reference I installed the beaglebone 8.2 debian image which is running jessie. I then upgraded to stretch and then to sid. After upgrading to sid and rebooting to make sure network and kernel were working I then installed freedombox-setup.
The freedombox-setup on apt-get install brought up the macchanger which I missed the note to select 'no' and by mistake selected 'yes' however it seemed the install failed as after it ran I not able to run the setup as it was not there. So I tried to reinstall it instead and in that case I was never presented with a macchanger option. The reason i mention this is because after running the setup and reboot my resolveconf was not set correctly. I made the changes to the /etc/resolvconf/resolve.conf/base to be the same nameserver as my laptop as they share the same router. That fixed the issue and on reboot I was able to visit the freedombox web ui to start and complete the install. I was able to change the configurations for the host and domain.
After installing and configuring via the web ui I went to add an app, and was presented with a 500 error. This occurs in all instances.