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- Updated the nomenclature in the `test` library. Test suites are now called tests, and tests are now called checks:

  test Test {
      check 1 == 1;
- Updated timeouts to sockets. They were previously broken. Now, it is possible to set `timeout` on the input
  stream of a `NetStream` to achieve a read timeout.
- Support setting keepalive on sockets.
- Added functionality to the `Array` class:
  - Comparison operators (`==`, `<`, etc. where applicable).
  - Remove duplicates in sorted arrays (`removeDuplicates`, `withoutDuplicates`).
  - Binary search in sorted arrays (`lowerBound`, `upperBound`).
- Fixed a bug that made function pointers not work properly after being copied.
- Be robust against large and negative durations passed to `sleep`.
- Minor fixes to the documentation.
- Minor performance improvements to finding errors in Progvis.
- Re-worked experimental library for algebraic effects.