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version 0.4.04

	- new tools: index poly wshfl zexp
	- index: generate indices
	- poly: generate polynomial patterns (Siddharth Iyer)
	- wshfl: wave-shuffling (Siddharth Iyer)
	- zexp: replace zexpj with zexp for complex exponentials
	- pics: support for temporal basis
	- pics: overlapping blocks option for LLR (Jon Tamir)
	- pics: make basis pursuit possible for noncartesian data
	- pics: non-negative constraint (Jon Tamir)
	- nlinv: introduce option for sms
	- ecalib: fix bug in phase rotation
	- ecalib: add debug_level argument
	- estdelay: RING method (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- traj: Half circle golden-ratio sampling (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- traj: Option for asymmetric trajectories (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- bench: add option to select benchmarks using bitmask
	- phantom: add geometric object phantom (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- phantom: fix inconsistency between img-phantom and k-phantom for rectangles (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- copy: enhance copy command to do simple copies
	- toimg: windowing and option to re-scale images to full dynamic range (Jon Tamir)
	- generic: many new integration and unit tests
	- generic: improved WSL support (Soumick Chatterjee)
	- generic: add mkl support (Jon Tamir)
	- generic: bart as a library (Damien Nguyen)
	- generic: CMake improvements (Damien Nguyen)
	- generic: Save FFTW wisdom when TOOLBOX path is set (Siddharth Iyer)
	- generic: fixes for memory leaks
	- library: optimized strided copy on GPU (Simon Yeung)
	- library: parallelization to fftmod
	- library: nufft: efficient use with temporal basis
	- library: nufft: fix issue with over-sized trajectories
	- library: add runga-kutta ode solver
	- library: iter/italgos: alternating minimization (Christian Holme)
	- library: irgnm: add minimum for alpha as parameter (Christian Holme)
	- library: step size support in chambolle-pock
	- library: add tenmul operator
	- library: add md_zexp
	- library: add zexp nonlinear operator
	- library: add linop_null and linop_plus
	- library: add md_zsum: (Complex) sum along specified dimensions (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- library: fix bug in septrafo (broke cdf97 wavelets)
	- many other bug fixes and improvements