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version 0.6.00

	- new tools: bin ssa upat rmfreq
	- bin: tool for binning of dynamic data (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- ssa: Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and SSA-FARY method (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- rmfreq: remove angle-dependent frequency in radial acquisitions (Sebastian Rosenzweig)
	- upat: generate Cartesian undersampling patterns
	- phantom: tubes and BART logo phantoms
	- reshape: perform more general reshapes
	- show: control precision (Max Litster)
	- nufft: option to output over-sampled grid
	- version: check for minimum BART version
	- traj: problems introduced in 0.5.00 fixed (208, 209, ...)
	- traj: support for asymetric echos
	- pics: allow data in COEFF_DIM if basis is not used
	- nlinv: add direct support for non-Cartesian trajectories
	- wshfl: various improvements (Siddharth Iyer)
	- tests: bin, estdelay, ssa, nlinv, pics, nufft, phantom, reshape, upat
	- generic: removed CMake build system
	- generic: simplify building of libraries
	- generic: support running valgrind on unit tests
	- generic: better support and packages for Fedora and CentOS (Philip Schaten)
	- library: new functions: md_reshape, md_pad, md_check_equal_dims, md_zcovar,
	  md_zdiv_reg, md_exp, md_log, md_zsin, md_zcos, md_zatanr, md_zss2,
	  md_zsmin, md_real, md_imag
	- library: new line drawing functions required by view
	- library: new functions: mat_pinv_left, mat_pinv_right
	- library: new debug function to print bitmasks
	- library: fix GPU fft to work with more complicated dimensions (Christian Holme)
	- many other bug fixes and improvements