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version 0.7.00

	- new tools: signal mobafit roistat pol2mask conway
	- signal: tool to simulate MRI signals
	- mobafit: tool for point-wise fitting
	- roistat: tool to compute ROI statistics
	- pol2mask: tool to compute masks from polygons
	- conway: Conway's game of life
	- moba: model-based recon for multi-echo FLASH
	- moba: model-based T2 mapping
	- moba: make coil smoothness configurable
	- moba: add option for k-space filter
	- moba: enable cartesian k-space data in moba
	- wshfl: Add fista option
	- estdelay: export to file
	- traj: multi-echo trajectory
	- traj: reading of gradient delays from file
	- phantom: random tube phantom
	- nlinv: non squared image sizes
	- generic: additional tests and unit tests
	- generic: continuous integration for gitlab
	- generic: support for BART_COMPAT_VERSION
	- generic: warning for dirty git versions
	- generic: target for libismrm.a if ISMRMRD enabled
	- generic: support for IBM POWER9 HPC ppc64le
	- generic: MATLAB/Octave test
	- library: add support for long options
	- library: new functions: md_zslessequal
	- library: linop_reshape_in, linop_reshape_out
	- library: generalized linop_sum
	- library: operator_stack along an arbitrary dimension
	- library: new zsmax prox operator
	- library: continuation for lsqr/itop
	- library: warmstart for lsqr
	- library: BLAS accelerated strided operations
	- library: add more geometry functions
	- library: more operator_p helper functions
	- many other bug fixes and improvements