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......@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ add_executable(diamond src/run/main.cpp
......@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ Keep posted about new developments by following me on
The preferred support channel is the [Diamond community website]( It provides a platform for users to exchange their experiences and get support directly from the developer. You may also use the GitHub issue tracker or send inquiries by email.
Quick start guide
......@@ -37,7 +32,7 @@ quick example for setting up and using the program on Linux.
Installing the software on your system may be done by downloading it in
binary format for immediate use:
tar xzf diamond-linux64.tar.gz
The extracted `diamond` binary file should be moved to a directory
......@@ -78,6 +73,11 @@ The output file here is specified with the `–o` option and named
- The default e-value cutoff of DIAMOND is 0.001 while that of
BLAST is 10, so by default the program will search a lot more
stringently than BLAST and not report weak hits.
The preferred support channel is the [Diamond community website]( It provides a platform for users to exchange their experiences and get support directly from the developer. You may also use the GitHub issue tracker or send inquiries by email.
......@@ -81,4 +81,5 @@ g++ -std=gnu++11 -DNDEBUG -O3 -Wno-deprecated-declarations $1 $2 $3 \
src/tools/tools.cpp \
src/util/system/getRSS.cpp \
src/util/math/sparse_matrix.cpp \
src/lib/tantan/ \
-lz -lpthread -o diamond
diamond-aligner (0.9.26+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
* New upstream version
-- Steffen Moeller <> Fri, 20 Sep 2019 00:20:39 +0200
diamond-aligner (0.9.25+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version
- Fixed a bug that could cause undefined behaviour when using a database file of format version < 2.
- Fixed a compiler error when compiled as generic C++.
- Program will no longer terminate with an error if unlink system call fails.
- Added option `--tantan-minMaskProb` to set minimum repeat probability for tantan masking and changed the default value to 0.9.
- Added option `--tantan-maxRepeatOffset` to set maximum tandem repeat period to consider and changed the default value to 15.
- Added option `--tantan-ungapped` to use tantan in ungapped mode and changed the default to gapped mode.
- Changed score matrix lambda calculation for tantan masking.
- Reference masking is recomputed during alignment runs.
- Added support for the `sscinames` output field to print subject scientific names to the tabular output format.
- Fixed a compiler error for GCC 8.2.
......@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ void build_ranking_worker(PtrVector<::Target>::iterator begin, PtrVector<::Targe
void Pipeline::run(Statistics &stat)
//cout << "Query=" << query_ids::get()[this->query_id].c_str() << endl;
task_timer timer("Init banded swipe pipeline", target_parallel ? 3 : UINT_MAX);
Config::set_option(config.padding, 32);
if (n_targets() == 0)
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "sequence.h"
#include "masking.h"
const char* Const::version_string = "0.9.25";
const char* Const::version_string = "0.9.26";
const char* Const::program_name = "diamond";
const char* Const::id_delimiters = " \a\b\f\n\r\t\v\1";
......@@ -197,7 +197,10 @@ Config::Config(int argc, const char **argv)
("dbsize", 0, "effective database size (in letters)", db_size)
("no-auto-append", 0, "disable auto appending of DAA and DMND file extensions", no_auto_append)
("xml-blord-format", 0, "Use gnl|BL_ORD_ID| style format in XML output", xml_blord_format)
("stop-match-score", 0, "Set the match score of stop codons against each other.", stop_match_score, 1);
("stop-match-score", 0, "Set the match score of stop codons against each other.", stop_match_score, 1)
("tantan-minMaskProb", 0, "minimum repeat probability for masking (0.9)", tantan_minMaskProb, 0.9)
("tantan-maxRepeatOffset", 0, "maximum tandem repeat period to consider (50)", tantan_maxRepeatOffset, 15)
("tantan-ungapped", 0, "use tantan masking in ungapped mode", tantan_ungapped);
Options_group view_options("View options");
......@@ -274,8 +277,6 @@ Config::Config(int argc, const char **argv)
("query-parallel-limit", 0, "", query_parallel_limit, 1000000u)
("hard-masked", 0, "", hardmasked)
("cbs-window", 0, "", cbs_window, 40)
("tantan-r", 0, "", tantan_r, 0.005)
("tantan-s", 0, "", tantan_s, 0.5)
("no-unlink", 0, "", no_unlink)
("no-dict", 0, "", no_dict);
......@@ -175,10 +175,12 @@ struct Config
bool hardmasked;
int cbs_window;
double tantan_r;
double tantan_s;
double tantan_minMaskProb;
bool no_unlink;
bool no_dict;
int stop_match_score;
int tantan_maxRepeatOffset;
bool tantan_ungapped;
enum {
makedb = 0, blastp = 1, blastx = 2, view = 3, help = 4, version = 5, getseq = 6, benchmark = 7, random_seqs = 8, compare = 9, sort = 10, roc = 11, db_stat = 12, model_sim = 13,
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ struct Const
enum {
build_version = 126,
build_version = 127,
seedp_bits = 10,
seedp = 1<<seedp_bits,
max_seed_weight = 32,
......@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "masking.h"
#include "../lib/tantan/tantan.hh"
#include "../lib/tantan/LambdaCalculator.hh"
using namespace std;
......@@ -27,12 +29,21 @@ const uint8_t Masking::bit_mask = 128;
Masking::Masking(const Score_matrix &score_matrix)
const double lambda = score_matrix.lambda(); // 0.324032
const unsigned n = value_traits.alphabet_size;
int int_matrix[20][20], *int_matrix_ptr[20];
std::copy(int_matrix, int_matrix + 20, int_matrix_ptr);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j)
int_matrix[i][j] = score_matrix((char)i, (char)j);
cbrc::LambdaCalculator lc;
lc.calculate(int_matrix_ptr, 20);
const double lambda = lc.lambda(); // 0.324032
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
mask_table_x_[i] = value_traits.mask_char;
mask_table_bit_[i] = (uint8_t)i | bit_mask;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < size; ++j)
if (i < value_traits.alphabet_size && j < value_traits.alphabet_size)
if (i < n && j < n)
likelihoodRatioMatrix_[i][j] = exp(lambda * score_matrix(i, j));
std::copy(likelihoodRatioMatrix_, likelihoodRatioMatrix_ + size, probMatrixPointers_);
......@@ -44,22 +55,22 @@ Masking::Masking(const Score_matrix &score_matrix)
void Masking::operator()(Letter *seq, size_t len) const
tantan::maskSequences((tantan::uchar*)seq, (tantan::uchar*)(seq + len), 50,
tantan::maskSequences((tantan::uchar*)seq, (tantan::uchar*)(seq + len), config.tantan_maxRepeatOffset,
config.tantan_r, 0.05,
0.005, 0.05,
0, 0,
config.tantan_s, (const tantan::uchar*)mask_table_x_);
config.tantan_ungapped ? 0.0 : firstGapProb_, config.tantan_ungapped ? 0.0 : otherGapProb_,
config.tantan_minMaskProb, (const tantan::uchar*)mask_table_x_);
void Masking::mask_bit(Letter *seq, size_t len) const
tantan::maskSequences((tantan::uchar*)seq, (tantan::uchar*)(seq + len), 50,
tantan::maskSequences((tantan::uchar*)seq, (tantan::uchar*)(seq + len), config.tantan_maxRepeatOffset,
config.tantan_r, 0.05,
0.005, 0.05,
0, 0,
config.tantan_s, (const tantan::uchar*)mask_table_bit_);
config.tantan_ungapped ? 0.0 : firstGapProb_, config.tantan_ungapped ? 0.0 : otherGapProb_,
config.tantan_minMaskProb, (const tantan::uchar*)mask_table_bit_);
void Masking::bit_to_hard_mask(Letter *seq, size_t len, size_t &n) const
......@@ -88,7 +99,7 @@ void mask_worker(Atomic<size_t> *next, Sequence_set *seqs, const Masking *maskin
masking->mask_bit(seqs->ptr(i), seqs->length(i));
void mask_seqs(Sequence_set &seqs, const Masking &masking, bool hard_mask)
size_t mask_seqs(Sequence_set &seqs, const Masking &masking, bool hard_mask)
vector<thread> threads;
Atomic<size_t> next(0);
......@@ -96,4 +107,8 @@ void mask_seqs(Sequence_set &seqs, const Masking &masking, bool hard_mask)
threads.emplace_back(mask_worker, &next, &seqs, &masking, hard_mask);
for (auto &t : threads)
size_t n = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < seqs.get_length(); ++i)
n += std::count(seqs[i].data(), seqs[i].end(), value_traits.mask_char);
return n;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@ private:
char mask_table_x_[size], mask_table_bit_[size];
void mask_seqs(Sequence_set &seqs, const Masking &masking, bool hard_mask = true);
\ No newline at end of file
size_t mask_seqs(Sequence_set &seqs, const Masking &masking, bool hard_mask = true);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void ReferenceDictionary::build_lazy_dict(DatabaseFile &db_file)
vector<unsigned> block_to_database_id;
db_file.load_seqs(block_to_database_id, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), false, &ref_seqs::data_, &ref_ids::data_, false, &filter);
db_file.load_seqs(block_to_database_id, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), &ref_seqs::data_, &ref_ids::data_, false, &filter);
std::sort(m.begin(), m.end());
......@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ struct Pos_record
void DatabaseFile::init()
read_header(*this, ref_header);
*this >> header2;
if ( < min_build_required || ref_header.db_version < MIN_DB_VERSION)
throw std::runtime_error("Database was built with an older version of Diamond and is incompatible.");
if (ref_header.db_version > ReferenceHeader::current_db_version)
throw std::runtime_error("Database was built with a newer version of Diamond and is incompatible.");
if (ref_header.sequences == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Incomplete database file. Database building did not complete successfully.");
*this >> header2;
pos_array_offset = ref_header.pos_array_offset;
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void DatabaseFile::seek_direct() {
seek(sizeof(ReferenceHeader) + sizeof(ReferenceHeader2) + 8);
bool DatabaseFile::load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_letters, bool masked, Sequence_set **dst_seq, String_set<0> **dst_id, bool load_ids, const vector<bool> *filter)
bool DatabaseFile::load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_letters, Sequence_set **dst_seq, String_set<0> **dst_id, bool load_ids, const vector<bool> *filter)
task_timer timer("Loading reference sequences");
......@@ -318,7 +318,6 @@ bool DatabaseFile::load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_
if(load_ids) (*dst_id)->finish_reserve();
size_t masked_letters = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < seqs; ++n) {
if (filter && filtered_pos[n]) seek(filtered_pos[n]);
......@@ -329,16 +328,12 @@ bool DatabaseFile::load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_
read((*dst_id)->ptr(n), (*dst_id)->length(n) + 1);
if (!seek_forward('\0')) throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected end of file.");
if (config.masking == 1 && masked)
Masking::get().bit_to_hard_mask((*dst_seq)->ptr(n), (*dst_seq)->length(n), masked_letters);
Masking::get().remove_bit_mask((*dst_seq)->ptr(n), (*dst_seq)->length(n));
Masking::get().remove_bit_mask((*dst_seq)->ptr(n), (*dst_seq)->length(n));
if (!config.sfilt.empty() && strstr((**dst_id)[n].c_str(), config.sfilt.c_str()) == 0)
memset((*dst_seq)->ptr(n), value_traits.mask_char, (*dst_seq)->length(n));
log_stream << "Masked letters = " << masked_letters << endl;
blocked_processing = seqs_processed < ref_header.sequences;
return true;
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ struct DatabaseFile : public InputFile
static DatabaseFile* auto_create_from_fasta();
static bool is_diamond_db(const string &file_name);
void rewind();
bool load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_letters, bool masked, Sequence_set **dst_seq, String_set<0> **dst_id, bool load_ids = true, const vector<bool> *filter = NULL);
bool load_seqs(vector<unsigned> &block_to_database_id, size_t max_letters, Sequence_set **dst_seq, String_set<0> **dst_id, bool load_ids = true, const vector<bool> *filter = NULL);
void get_seq();
void read_seq(string &id, vector<char> &seq);
bool has_taxon_id_lists();
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct BuildCallback
template<typename _filter>
SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &seqs, size_t shape, const shape_histogram &hst, const SeedPartitionRange &range, const vector<size_t> seq_partition, const _filter *filter)
SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &seqs, size_t shape, const shape_histogram &hst, const SeedPartitionRange &range, const vector<size_t> &seq_partition, const _filter *filter)
task_timer timer("Allocating memory for seed array", 3);
for (size_t i = range.begin(); i < range.end(); ++i) {
......@@ -108,6 +108,6 @@ SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &seqs, size_t shape, const shape_histogr
seqs.enum_seeds(cb, seq_partition, shape, shape + 1, filter);
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>, const No_filter *);
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>, const Seed_set *);
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>, const Hashed_seed_set *);
\ No newline at end of file
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>&, const No_filter *);
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>&, const Seed_set *);
template SeedArray::SeedArray(const Sequence_set &, size_t, const shape_histogram &, const SeedPartitionRange &, const vector<size_t>&, const Hashed_seed_set *);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct SeedArray
template<typename _filter>
SeedArray(const Sequence_set &seqs, size_t shape, const shape_histogram &hst, const SeedPartitionRange &range, const vector<size_t> seq_partition, const _filter *filter);
SeedArray(const Sequence_set &seqs, size_t shape, const shape_histogram &hst, const SeedPartitionRange &range, const vector<size_t> &seq_partition, const _filter *filter);
Entry* begin(unsigned i)
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ const Fixed_score_buffer<_score>& needleman_wunsch(sequence query, sequence subj
return mtx.score_buffer();
template const Fixed_score_buffer<int>& needleman_wunsch(sequence query, sequence subject, int &max_score, const Local&, const int&);
template const Fixed_score_buffer<int>& needleman_wunsch<int, Local>(sequence query, sequence subject, int &max_score, const Local&, const int&);
int needleman_wunsch(sequence query, sequence subject, int qbegin, int qend, int sbegin, int send, unsigned node, unsigned edge, Diag_graph &diags, bool log)
......@@ -233,6 +233,26 @@ void banded_3frame_swipe(const TranslatedSequence &query, Strand strand, vector<
template<typename _sv>
void banded_3frame_swipe_targets(vector<DpTarget>::iterator begin,
vector<DpTarget>::iterator end,
bool score_only,
const TranslatedSequence &query,
Strand strand,
DpStat &stat,
bool parallel,
bool overflow_only)
for (vector<DpTarget>::iterator i = begin; i < end; i += ScoreTraits<_sv>::CHANNELS) {
if (!overflow_only || i->overflow) {
if (score_only || config.disable_traceback)
banded_3frame_swipe<_sv, ScoreOnly>(query, strand, i, i + std::min(vector<DpTarget>::iterator::difference_type(ScoreTraits<_sv>::CHANNELS), end - i), stat, parallel);
banded_3frame_swipe<_sv, Traceback>(query, strand, i, i + std::min(vector<DpTarget>::iterator::difference_type(ScoreTraits<_sv>::CHANNELS), end - i), stat, parallel);
void banded_3frame_swipe_worker(vector<DpTarget>::iterator begin,
vector<DpTarget>::iterator end,
Atomic<size_t> *next,
......@@ -242,15 +262,12 @@ void banded_3frame_swipe_worker(vector<DpTarget>::iterator begin,
DpStat stat;
size_t pos;
while (begin + (pos = next->post_add(config.swipe_chunk_size)) < end) {
const auto e = min(begin + pos + config.swipe_chunk_size, end);
for (vector<DpTarget>::iterator i = begin + pos; i < e; i += 8) {
if (score_only || config.disable_traceback)
banded_3frame_swipe<score_vector<int16_t>, ScoreOnly>(*query, strand, i, min(i + 8, end), stat, true);
banded_3frame_swipe<score_vector<int16_t>, Traceback>(*query, strand, i, min(i + 8, end), stat, true);
while (begin + (pos = next->post_add(config.swipe_chunk_size)) < end)
#ifdef __SSE2__
banded_3frame_swipe_targets<score_vector<int16_t>>(begin + pos, min(begin + pos + config.swipe_chunk_size, end), score_only, *query, strand, stat, true, false);
banded_3frame_swipe_targets<int32_t>(begin + pos, min(begin + pos + config.swipe_chunk_size, end), score_only, *query, strand, stat, true, false);
void banded_3frame_swipe(const TranslatedSequence &query, Strand strand, vector<DpTarget>::iterator target_begin, vector<DpTarget>::iterator target_end, DpStat &stat, bool score_only, bool parallel)
......@@ -278,26 +295,11 @@ void banded_3frame_swipe(const TranslatedSequence &query, Strand strand, vector<
delete i->tmp;
else {
for (vector<DpTarget>::iterator i = target_begin; i < target_end; i += 8)
if (score_only || config.disable_traceback)
banded_3frame_swipe<score_vector<int16_t>, ScoreOnly>(query, strand, i, i + std::min(vector<DpTarget>::iterator::difference_type(8), target_end - i), stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe<score_vector<int16_t>, Traceback>(query, strand, i, i + std::min(vector<DpTarget>::iterator::difference_type(8), target_end - i), stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe_targets<score_vector<int16_t>>(target_begin, target_end, score_only, query, strand, stat, false, false);
for (vector<DpTarget>::iterator i = target_begin; i < target_end; ++i)
if (i->overflow) {
if (score_only || config.disable_traceback)
banded_3frame_swipe<int32_t, ScoreOnly>(query, strand, i, i + 1, stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe<int32_t, Traceback>(query, strand, i, i + 1, stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe_targets<int32_t>(target_begin, target_end, score_only, query, strand, stat, false, true);
for (vector<DpTarget>::iterator i = target_begin; i < target_end; ++i)
if (score_only || config.disable_traceback)
banded_3frame_swipe<int32_t, ScoreOnly>(query, strand, i, i + 1, stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe<int32_t, Traceback>(query, strand, i, i + 1, stat, false);
banded_3frame_swipe_targets<int32_t>(target_begin, target_end, score_only, query, strand, stat, false, false);
\ No newline at end of file
// Copyright 2015 Yutaro Konta
#include "LambdaCalculator.hh"
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio> // sprintf
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
//#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static double roundToFewDigits(double x)
// This rounding fixes some inaccuracies, e.g. for DNA with a simple
// match/mismatch matrix it's likely to make all the probabilities
// exactly 0.25, as they should be.
char buffer[32];
sprintf(buffer, "%g", x);
return atof(buffer);
static double** makematrix(int m, int n, double val)
double** mat = new double* [m];
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
mat[i] = new double [n];
for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
mat[i][j] = val;
return mat;
static void deletematrix(double** a, int m)
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
delete[] a[i];
delete[] a;
static double summatrix(double** a, int m, int n)
double s = 0;
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
s += a[i][j];
return s;
static int max_index(double** a, int n, int i)
double max = -DBL_MAX;
int maxindex = -1;
for (int j=i; j<n; j++)
if (fabs(a[j][i]) > max)
max = fabs(a[j][i]);
maxindex = j;
return maxindex;
static void swap_matrix(double** a, int i, int j)
double* v = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = v;
static void swap_vector(int* a, int i, int j)
int v = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = v;
static bool lu_pivoting(double** a, int* idx, int n)
int v;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
idx[i] = i;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
v = max_index(a, n, i);
assert(v >= 0);
if (fabs(a[v][i]) < 1e-10)
return false; // singular matrix!
swap_matrix(a, i, v);
swap_vector(idx, i, v);
a[i][i] = 1.0/a[i][i];
for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
a[j][i] = a[j][i] * a[i][i];
for (int k=i+1; k<n; k++)
a[j][k] = a[j][k] - a[j][i] * a[i][k];
return true;
static void solvep(double **a, double *x, double *b, int n)
double *y = new double [n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
y[i] = b[i];
for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
y[i] -= a[i][j] * y[j];
for (int i=n-1; i>=0; i--)
x[i] = y[i];
for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
x[i] -= a[i][j] * x[j];
x[i] *= a[i][i]; // needed because a[i][i] is inverted
delete[] y;
static void transpose(double **a, int n)
double v;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
v = a[i][j];
a[i][j] = a[j][i];
a[j][i] = v;
static bool invert(double **a, double **inv, int n)
int* idx = new int [n];
double **e = makematrix(n,n,0);
if(!lu_pivoting(a, idx, n))
return false;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
e[idx[i]][i] = 1; // transposed
delete[] idx;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
solvep(a, inv[i], e[i], n);
deletematrix(e, n);
transpose(inv, n); // transpose inv to make the inverted matrix of a
return true;
static bool calculate_inv_sum(double **matrix, int alpha_size, double tau, double* inv_sum)
double **m = makematrix(alpha_size, alpha_size, 0);
double **y = makematrix(alpha_size, alpha_size, 0);
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<alpha_size; j++)
m[i][j] = exp(tau * matrix[i][j]);
if(!invert(m, y, alpha_size))
return false;
*inv_sum = summatrix(y, alpha_size, alpha_size);
deletematrix(m, alpha_size);
deletematrix(y, alpha_size);
return true;
namespace cbrc{
void LambdaCalculator::setBad(){
lambda_ = -1;
bool LambdaCalculator::find_ub(double **matrix, int alpha_size, double *ub)
double r_max_min = DBL_MAX;
double c_max_min = DBL_MAX;
double r_max;
double c_max;
double r_min;
double c_min;
int l_r = 0;
int l_c = 0;
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
r_max = -DBL_MAX;
r_min = DBL_MAX;
for (int j=0; j<alpha_size; j++)
if (matrix[i][j] > r_max)
r_max = matrix[i][j];
if (matrix[i][j] < r_min)
r_min = matrix[i][j];
if (r_max == 0 && r_min == 0)
else if (r_max <= 0 || r_min >= 0)
return false;
else if (r_max < r_max_min)
r_max_min = r_max;
for (int j=0; j<alpha_size; j++)
c_max = -DBL_MAX;
c_min = DBL_MAX;
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
if (matrix[i][j] > c_max)
c_max = matrix[i][j];
if (matrix[i][j] < c_min)
c_min = matrix[i][j];
if (c_max == 0 && c_min == 0)
else if (c_max <= 0 || c_min >= 0)
return false;
else if (c_max < c_max_min)
c_max_min = c_max;
if (l_r == alpha_size) return false;
// the multiplication by 1.1 is sometimes necessary, presumably to
// prevent the upper bound from being too tight:
if (r_max_min > c_max_min)
*ub = 1.1 * log(1.0 * (alpha_size - l_r))/r_max_min;
*ub = 1.1 * log(1.0 * (alpha_size - l_c))/c_max_min;
return true;
bool LambdaCalculator::binary_search(double** matrix, int alpha_size, double lb, double ub, vector<double>& letprob1, vector<double>& letprob2, double* lambda, int maxiter)
double l=0;
double r=0;
double l_sum=0;
double r_sum=0;
int iter=0;
while (iter < maxiter && (l>=r || (l_sum < 1.0 && r_sum < 1.0) || (l_sum > 1.0 && r_sum > 1.0)))
l = lb + (ub - lb)*rand()/RAND_MAX;
r = lb + (ub - lb)*rand()/RAND_MAX;
if (!calculate_inv_sum(matrix, alpha_size, l, &l_sum) || !calculate_inv_sum(matrix, alpha_size, r, &r_sum))
l = 0;
r = 0;
if (iter >= maxiter)
return false;
while (l_sum != 1.0 && r_sum != 1.0 && (l+r)/2.0 != l && (l+r)/2.0 != r)
double mid = (l + r)/2.0;
double mid_sum;
if (!calculate_inv_sum(matrix, alpha_size, mid, &mid_sum))
return false;
if (fabs(mid_sum) >= DBL_MAX)
return false;
if ((l_sum < 1.0 && mid_sum >= 1.0) || (l_sum > 1.0 && mid_sum <= 1.0))
r = mid;
r_sum = mid_sum;
else if ((r_sum < 1.0 && mid_sum >= 1.0) || (r_sum > 1.0 && mid_sum <= 1.0))
l = mid;
l_sum = mid_sum;
return false;
if (fabs(l_sum - 1.0) < fabs(r_sum - 1.0))
if (check_lambda(matrix, l, alpha_size, letprob1, letprob2))
*lambda = l;
return true;
return false;
if (check_lambda(matrix, r, alpha_size, letprob1, letprob2))
*lambda = r;
return true;
return false;
double LambdaCalculator::calculate_lambda(double** matrix, int alpha_size, vector<double>& letprob1, vector<double>& letprob2, int maxiter, int max_boundary_search_iter, double lb_ratio)
double ub;
if (!find_ub(matrix, alpha_size, &ub))
return -1;
double lb = ub*lb_ratio;
double lambda = -1;
int iter = 0;
bool flag = false;
while (!flag && iter < maxiter)
flag = binary_search(matrix, alpha_size, lb, ub, letprob1, letprob2, &lambda, max_boundary_search_iter);
return lambda;
bool LambdaCalculator::check_lambda(double** matrix, double lambda, int alpha_size, vector<double>& letprob1, vector<double>& letprob2)
double **m = makematrix(alpha_size, alpha_size, 0);
double **y = makematrix(alpha_size, alpha_size, 0);
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
for (int j=0; j<alpha_size; j++)
m[i][j] = exp(lambda * matrix[i][j]);
invert(m, y, alpha_size);
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
double p = 0;
for (int j=0;j<alpha_size; j++)
p += y[i][j];
if (p < 0 || p > 1)
return false;
for (int j=0; j<alpha_size; j++)
double q = 0;
for (int i=0; i<alpha_size; i++)
q += y[i][j];
if (q < 0 || q > 1)
return false;
deletematrix(m, alpha_size);
deletematrix(y, alpha_size);
return true;
void LambdaCalculator::calculate(const const_int_ptr *matrix, int alphSize) {
assert(alphSize >= 0);
int maxiter = 1000;
int max_boundary_search_iter = 100;
double lb_ratio = 1e-6;
double** mat = makematrix(alphSize, alphSize, 0);
for (int i=0; i<alphSize; i++)
for (int j=0; j<alphSize; j++)
mat[i][j] = matrix[i][j];
lambda_ = calculate_lambda(mat, alphSize, letterProbs1_, letterProbs2_, maxiter, max_boundary_search_iter, lb_ratio);
deletematrix(mat, alphSize);