{"MSTACKSZNA","User-specified M stack size of !UL KiB not appropriate; must be between !UL KiB and !UL KiB; reverting to !UL KiB",4},
{"JNLEXTRCTSEQNO","Journal Extracts based on sequence numbers are restricted to a single region when replication is OFF",0},
{"INVSEQNOQUAL","Invalid SEQNO qualifier value !AD",2},
{"LOWSPC","WARNING: Database !AD has less than !UL% of the total block space remaining. Blocks Used: !UL Total Blocks Available: !UL",5},
{"LOWSPC","WARNING: Database !AD has !UL% or less of the total block space remaining. Blocks Used: !UL Total Blocks Available: !UL",5},
{"FAILEDRECCOUNT","LOAD unable to process !@UQ records",1},
{"LOADRECCNT","Last EXTRACT record processed by LOAD: !@UQ",1},
{"COMMFILTERERR","Error executing the command filter for !AD. !AD",4},
{"NOFILTERNEST","Filter nesting not allowed",0},
{"MLKHASHTABERR","A LOCK control structure is damaged and could not be corrected. Lock entry for !AD is invalid.",2},
{"LOCKCRITOWNER","LOCK crit is held by: !UL",1},
{"MLKHASHWRONG","A LOCK control structure has an invalid value; LOCK table failed integrity check. !AD",2},
{"XCRETNULLREF","Returned null reference from external call !AD",2},
{"EXTCALLBOUNDS","Wrote outside bounds of external call buffer. M label: !AZ",1},
{"EXCEEDSPREALLOC","Preallocated size !UL for M external call label !AZ exceeded by string of length !UL",3},
{"ZTIMEOUT","Time expired",0},
{"ERRWZTIMEOUT","Error while processing $ZTIMEOUT",0},
{"MLKHASHRESIZE","LOCK hash table increased in size from !UL to !UL and placed in shared memory (id = !UL)",3},
{"MLKHASHRESIZEFAIL","Failed to increase LOCK hash table size from !UL to !UL. Will retry with larger size.",2},
{"MLKCLEANED","LOCK garbage collection freed !UL lock slots for region !AD",3},
{"NOTMNAME","!AD is not a valid M name",2},
{"DEVNAMERESERVED","Cannot use !AD as device name. Reserved for GTM internal usage",2},
{"ORLBKREL","ONLINE ROLLBACK releasing all locking resources to allow a freeze OFF to proceed",0},
{"ORLBKRESTART","ONLINE ROLLBACK restarted on instance !AD corresponding to !AD",4},
{"UNIQNAME","Cannot provide same file name (!AD) for !AD and !AD",6},
{"APDINITFAIL","Audit Principal Device failed to initialize audit information",0},
{"APDCONNFAIL","Audit Principal Device failed to connect to audit logger",0},
{"APDLOGFAIL","Audit Principal Device failed to log activity",0},
{"STATSDBMEMERR","Process attempted to create stats block in statistics database !AD and received SIGBUS--invalid physical address. Check file system space.",2},
@@ -3015,6 +3035,26 @@ LITDEF int ERR_FAILEDRECCOUNT = 150384330;