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Commits on Source (13)
# Porting notes:
# For Solaris and other platforms where the logf function
# is missing from the math library, add the following line
# to the end of muscle.h:
# #define logf(x) ((float) log(x))
# Using -static increases the executable size and thus gives a very
# small increase in start time, but is more portable (the binding
# to dynamic libraries often breaks when a new library is released).
# On OSX, using -static gives the error "ld: can't locate file for: -lcrt0.o",
# this is fixed by deleting "-static" from the LDLIBS line.
CFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -Winline -DNDEBUG=1
LDLIBS = -lm -static
# LDLIBS = -lm
OBJ = .o
RM = rm -f
CP = cp
GPP = g++
CPP = $(GPP) -c $(CFLAGS)
all: muscle
CPPSRC = $(sort $(wildcard *.cpp))
CPPOBJ = $(subst .cpp,.o,$(CPPSRC))
$(CPPOBJ): %.o: %.cpp
$(CPP) $< -o $@
muscle: $(CPPOBJ)
$(LD) -o muscle $(CPPOBJ) $(LDLIBS)
strip muscle