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......@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ test: proteinortho5_clustering
./ -project=test -synteny -singles test/*.faa
@./ test.proteinortho
@./ test.poff
rm test.*
@echo "Test okay"
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use Thread::Queue;
# Variables
our $version = "5.16";
our $version = "5.16b";
our $step = 0; # 0/1/2/3 -> do all / only apply step 1 / only apply step 2 / only apply step 3
our $verbose = 1; # 0/1 -> don't / be verbose
our $debug = 0; # 0/1 -> don't / show debug data
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* Reads edge list and splits connected components
* according to algebraic connectivity threshold
* Last updated: 2017/03/20
* Last updated: 2017/09/20
* Author: Marcus Lechner
......@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ void partition_graph() {
// Connectivity analysis
if (debug_level > 0) cerr << "[DEBUG] Calculating connectivity of a group. " << current_group.size() << " proteins (ID: " << protein_id << ")" << endl;
if (current_group.size() > 16000) cerr << "[WARN] Current connected component conatins " << current_group.size() << " proteins. That might be way to much for me. Try raising the e-value!" << endl;
if (current_group.size() > 16000) cerr << "[WARN] Current connected component contains " << current_group.size() << " proteins. That might be way to much for me. Try raising the e-value!" << endl;
double connectivity = getConnectivity(current_group);
if (debug_level > 0) cerr << "[DEBUG] Connectivity was " << connectivity << endl;
......@@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ void splitGroups(vector<double>& y, vector<unsigned int>& nodes){
// cerr << groupA.size() << " -- " << groupB.size() << endl;
// Catch error in laplacien calcs
if (groupA.size() == 0 || groupB.size() == 0) {
throw "Failed to partition subgraph! This might lead to an infinit loop. Please submit the .blastgraph file to to help fixing this issue.";
if ((groupA.size() == 0 || groupB.size() == 0) && groupZero.size() == 0) {
throw string("Failed to partition subgraph! This might lead to an infinit loop. Please submit the .blastgraph file to to help fixing this issue.");
......@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ void remove_edge(protein& node, const unsigned int remove_id) {
// Search for element in edge list
vector<unsigned int>::iterator element = find(node.edges.begin(), node.edges.end(), remove_id);
// Not found (something is wrong!)
if (element == node.edges.end()) throw "Element could not be found in edge list";
if (element == node.edges.end()) throw string("Element could not be found in edge list");
// // Remove element
......@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ void parse_file(string file) {
else {
throw "Could not open file " + file;
throw string("Could not open file ") + file;