if(debug_level>0)cerr<<"[DEBUG] Calculating connectivity of a group. "<<current_group.size()<<" proteins (ID: "<<protein_id<<")"<<endl;
if(current_group.size()>16000)cerr<<"[WARN] Current connected component conatins "<<current_group.size()<<" proteins. That might be way to much for me. Try raising the e-value!"<<endl;
if(current_group.size()>16000)cerr<<"[WARN] Current connected component contains "<<current_group.size()<<" proteins. That might be way to much for me. Try raising the e-value!"<<endl;
throw"Failed to partition subgraph! This might lead to an infinit loop. Please submit the .blastgraph file to lechner@staff.uni-marburg.de to help fixing this issue.";
throwstring("Failed to partition subgraph! This might lead to an infinit loop. Please submit the .blastgraph file to lechner@staff.uni-marburg.de to help fixing this issue.");