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Commits on Source (2)
python-ruffus (2.8.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Try hard to find Makefile to run test suite for Python2
Closes: #915382
-- Andreas Tille <> Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:11:32 +0100
python-ruffus (2.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Jelmer Vernooij ]
......@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
--test-args='set -e; \
cd {build_dir}/$(PYBUILD_NAME)/test ; \
if [ "{version.major}" = 2 ] ; then \
ln -s /build/python-ruffus-*/ruffus/test/Makefile ; \
if [ -e $(CURDIR)/ruffus/test/Makefile ] ; then ln -s $(CURDIR)/ruffus/test/Makefile ; else \
echo "Expected file $(CURDIR)/ruffus/test/Makefile not found" ; \
echo "Use `find $(CURDIR) -name Makefile | grep test` instead" ; \
ln -s `find $(CURDIR) -name Makefile | grep test | head -n1` ; \
fi ; \
cp -a run_all_unit_tests.cmd /tmp/run_all_unit_tests.cmd ; \
else \
sed "s/^python3/python{version}/" run_all_unit_tests3.cmd > /tmp/run_all_unit_tests.cmd ; \