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Commits on Source (6)
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Most of the nucleotide based commands and options in USEARCH version 7 are suppo
## Getting Help
If you can't find an answer in the [VSEARCH documentation](, please visit the [VSEARCH Web Forum](!forum/vsearch-forum) to post a question or start a discussion.
If you can't find an answer in the [VSEARCH documentation](, please visit the [VSEARCH Web Forum](!forum/vsearch-forum) to post a question or start a discussion.
## Example
......@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ In the example below, VSEARCH will identify sequences in the file database.fsa t
**Source distribution** To download the source distribution from a [release]( and build the executable and the documentation, use the following commands:
tar xzf v2.8.0.tar.gz
cd vsearch-2.8.0
tar xzf v2.8.5.tar.gz
cd vsearch-2.8.5
......@@ -70,36 +70,36 @@ Binary distributions are provided for x86-64 systems running GNU/Linux, macOS (v
Download the appropriate executable for your system using the following commands if you are using a Linux x86_64 system:
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Or these commands if you are using a Linux ppc64le system:
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.0-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.5-linux-ppc64le.tar.gz
Or these commands if you are using a Mac:
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.0-macos-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf vsearch-2.8.5-macos-x86_64.tar.gz
Or if you are using Windows, download and extract (unzip) the contents of this file:
Linux and Mac: You will now have the binary distribution in a folder called `vsearch-2.8.0-linux-x86_64` or `vsearch-2.8.0-macos-x86_64` in which you will find three subfolders `bin`, `man` and `doc`. We recommend making a copy or a symbolic link to the vsearch binary `bin/vsearch` in a folder included in your `$PATH`, and a copy or a symbolic link to the vsearch man page `man/vsearch.1` in a folder included in your `$MANPATH`. The PDF version of the manual is available in `doc/vsearch_manual.pdf`.
Linux and Mac: You will now have the binary distribution in a folder called `vsearch-2.8.5-linux-x86_64` or `vsearch-2.8.5-macos-x86_64` in which you will find three subfolders `bin`, `man` and `doc`. We recommend making a copy or a symbolic link to the vsearch binary `bin/vsearch` in a folder included in your `$PATH`, and a copy or a symbolic link to the vsearch man page `man/vsearch.1` in a folder included in your `$MANPATH`. The PDF version of the manual is available in `doc/vsearch_manual.pdf`.
Windows: You will now have the binary distribution in a folder called `vsearch-2.8.0-win-x86_64`. The vsearch executable is called `vsearch.exe`. The manual in PDF format is called `vsearch_manual.pdf`.
Windows: You will now have the binary distribution in a folder called `vsearch-2.8.5-win-x86_64`. The vsearch executable is called `vsearch.exe`. The manual in PDF format is called `vsearch_manual.pdf`.
**Documentation** The VSEARCH user's manual is available in the `man` folder in the form of a [man page]( A pdf version ([vsearch_manual.pdf]( will be generated by `make`. To install the manpage manually, copy the `vsearch.1` file or a create a symbolic link to `vsearch.1` in a folder included in your `$MANPATH`. The manual in both formats is also available with the binary distribution. The manual in PDF form ([vsearch_manual.pdf]( is also attached to the latest [release](
**Documentation** The VSEARCH user's manual is available in the `man` folder in the form of a [man page]( A pdf version ([vsearch_manual.pdf]( will be generated by `make`. To install the manpage manually, copy the `vsearch.1` file or a create a symbolic link to `vsearch.1` in a folder included in your `$MANPATH`. The manual in both formats is also available with the binary distribution. The manual in PDF form ([vsearch_manual.pdf]( is also attached to the latest [release](
## Plugins, packages, and wrappers
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
AC_INIT([vsearch], [2.8.0], [])
AC_INIT([vsearch], [2.8.5], [])
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.7"
# Set default gcc and g++ options
CFLAGS='-g -march=native'
CXXFLAGS='-g -march=native'
# Checks for programs.
vsearch (2.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version
* Standards-Version: 4.2.1
-- Andreas Tille <> Wed, 26 Sep 2018 21:00:00 +0200
vsearch (2.8.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream version
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~),
Standards-Version: 4.1.4
Standards-Version: 4.2.1
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ Author: Sascha Steinbiss <>
# Set default gcc and g++ options
-CFLAGS='-g -march=native'
-CXXFLAGS='-g -march=native'
+#CFLAGS='-g -march=native'
+#CXXFLAGS='-g -march=native'
# Checks for programs.
.\" ============================================================================
.TH vsearch 1 "April 24, 2018" "version 2.8.0" "USER COMMANDS"
.TH vsearch 1 "September 26, 2018" "version 2.8.5" "USER COMMANDS"
.\" ============================================================================
vsearch \(em chimera detection, clustering, dereplication and
......@@ -828,7 +828,8 @@ Dereplication and rereplication options:
Merge strictly identical sequences contained in
\fIfilename\fR. Identical sequences are defined as having the same
length and the same string of nucleotides (case insensitive, T and U
are considered the same).
are considered the same). See the options \-\-sizein and \-\-sizeout
to take into account and compute abundance values.
.BI \-\-derep_prefix \0filename
Merge sequences with identical prefixes contained in \fIfilename\fR.
......@@ -3394,6 +3395,29 @@ incorrect FASTA headers of consensus sequences after clustering.
.BR v2.8.0\~ "released April 24th, 2018"
Added the fastq_maxdiffpct option to the fastq_mergepairs command.
.BR v2.8.1\~ "released June 22nd, 2018"
Fixes for compilation warnings with GCC 8.
.BR v2.8.2\~ "released August 21st, 2018"
Fix for wrong placement of semicolons in header lines in some cases
when using the sizeout or xsize options. Reduced memory requirements
for full-length dereplication in cases with many duplicate sequences.
Improved wording of fastq_mergepairs report. Updated manual regarding
use of sizein and sizeout with dereplication. Changed a compiler
.BR v2.8.3\~ "released August 31st, 2018"
Fix for segmentation fault for \-\-derep_fulllength with \-\-uc.
.BR v2.8.4\~ "released September 3rd, 2018"
Further reduce memory requirements for dereplication when not using
the uc option. Fix output during subsampling when quiet or log options
are in effect.
.BR v2.8.5\~ "released September 26th, 2018"
Fixed a bug in fastq_eestats2 that caused the values for large lengths
to be much too high when the input sequences had varying lengths.
.\" ============================================================================
......@@ -3403,7 +3427,3 @@ Added the fastq_maxdiffpct option to the fastq_mergepairs command.
.\" visualize and output to pdf
.\" man -l vsearch.1
.\" man -t ./doc/vsearch.1 | ps2pdf - > ./doc/vsearch_manual.pdf
.\" INSTALL (sysadmin)
.\" gzip -c vsearch.1 > vsearch.1.gz
.\" mv vsearch.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/
......@@ -149,12 +149,12 @@ void abundance_fprint_header_strip_size(FILE * fp,
if (start <= 1)
if (end < header_length)
if (end < header_length - 1)
fprintf(fp, "%s", header + end + 1);
if (end == header_length)
if (end >= header_length - 1)
fprintf(fp, "%.*s", start - 1, header);
fprintf(fp, "%.*s;%.*s",
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ inline void pushop(char newop, char ** cigarendp, char * op, int * count)
char buf[25];
int len = sprintf(buf, "%d", *count);
*cigarendp -= len;
strncpy(*cigarendp, buf, (size_t)len);
memcpy(*cigarendp, buf, (size_t)len);
*op = newop;
*count = 1;
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ inline void finishop(char ** cigarendp, char * op, int * count)
char buf[25];
int len = sprintf(buf, "%d", *count);
*cigarendp -= len;
strncpy(*cigarendp, buf, (size_t)len);
memcpy(*cigarendp, buf, (size_t)len);
*op = 0;
*count = 0;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -465,15 +465,6 @@ void fastq_eestats2()
for (int x = 0; x < len_steps; x++)
uint64_t len_cutoff = opt_length_cutoffs_shortest + x * opt_length_cutoffs_increment;
if (len < len_cutoff)
for (int y = 0; y < opt_ee_cutoffs_count; y++)
if (ee <= opt_ee_cutoffs_values[y])
count_table[x * opt_ee_cutoffs_count + y]++;
......@@ -1366,7 +1366,7 @@ void fastq_mergepairs()
if (failed_repeat)
"%10" PRIu64 " potential tandem repeat\n",
"%10" PRIu64 " multiple potential alignments\n",
if (failed_maxdiffs)
......@@ -111,8 +111,13 @@ void subsample()
for(int i=0; i<dbsequencecount; i++)
mass_total += db_getabundance(i);
fprintf(stderr, "Got %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n",
mass_total, dbsequencecount);
if (! opt_quiet)
fprintf(stderr, "Got %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n",
mass_total, dbsequencecount);
if (opt_log)
fprintf(fp_log, "Got %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n",
mass_total, dbsequencecount);
int * abundance = (int*) xmalloc(dbsequencecount * sizeof(int));
......@@ -229,7 +234,10 @@ void subsample()
fprintf(stderr, "Subsampled %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n", n, samples);
if (! opt_quiet)
fprintf(stderr, "Subsampled %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n", n, samples);
if (opt_log)
fprintf(fp_log, "Subsampled %" PRIu64 " reads from %d amplicons\n", n, samples);
......@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
#include "vsearch.h"
//#define SHOW_RUSAGE
static const char * progress_prompt;
static uint64_t progress_next;
static uint64_t progress_size;
......@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@ int64_t getusec(void)
void show_rusage()
#if 0
double user_time = 0.0;
double system_time = 0.0;
......@@ -58,7 +58,9 @@
#define __restrict
......@@ -87,6 +89,7 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdarg.h>