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Version 3.0.2

Bug Fixes
* PR#418: Replace :class:`~collection.OrderedDict` with :class:`dict`.
  The dict datatype is ordered since Python 3.7. As we do not support
  Python 3.6 anymore, it can be considered safe to avoid
  :class:`~collection.OrderedDict`. Related to :gh:`419`.

* PR#426: Fix :meth:`~semver.version.Version.replace` method to use the
  derived class of an instance instead of :class:`~semver.version.Version`

Improved Documentation
* PR#431: Clarify version policy for the different semver versions
  (v2, v3, >v3) and the supported Python versions.
* #432: Improve external doc links to Python and Pydantic.

* PR#417: Amend GitHub Actions to check against MacOS.

Trivial/Internal Changes
* PR#420: Introduce :py:class:`~typing.ClassVar` for some
  :class:`~semver.version.Version` class variables, mainly
  :data:`~semver.version.Version.NAMES` and some private.
* PR#421: Insert mypy configuration into :file:`pyproject.toml` and
  remove config options from :file:`tox.ini`.