Version 0.11.0 * Added support for `None` signals without data. * Added boolean flags for the name request functions which can be used to specify replacements or queueing. * Added `sdbus.utils.parse_properties_changed` helper function. Parses signal data to python member names and values. * Added `sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_added` helper function. Parses signal data to path, python class and python member names and values. * Added `sdbus.utils.parse_interfaces_removed` helper function. Parses signal data to path and python class. * Added `setter_private` decorator to async properties. Private setter can only be called locally but to D-Bus property will appear as read only. * Added new exceptions for when D-Bus name requests fail. * `SdBusRequestNameExistsError`: Someone already owns name. * `SdBusRequestNameAlreadyOwnerError`: Caller already owns name. * `SdBusRequestNameInQueueError`: Name request queued up. * Moved all exceptions to `sdbus.exceptions` module. For backwards compatibility old exceptions will be available from the root module until the version `1.0.0`. * Fixed autodoc adding `dbus_method` to dbus methods names * Fix async D-Bus name requests not raising appropriate exceptions. * Fixed `request_default_bus_name` being an async function. For backwards compatibility it returns an awaitable that raises a warning.