stale action items in action needed list?
While viewing the tracker page for package asterisk, I saw that there are open security issues for bookworm and trixie in the tracker action needed panel, but all links in the action item list lead to pages which do not mention either codename.
These security issues were addressed in bug #1032092 and bug #1059303, so my expectation is that these action items are removed.
When I feed the current UpdateSecurityIssuesTask.DISTRIBUTIONS_URL json and the UpdateSecurityIssuesTask.CVE_DATA_URL (trimmed down to asterisk only) into a modified UpdateSecurityIssuesTaskTests module it produces summary of all zeroes. This leads me to believe it's an ActionItem caching issue.
After some investigation, I think ActionItems can get stuck / stale.
Here's my theory for the bookworm action items:
- 2023-01-16: Package in bookworm
- 2023-02-27: #1032092 opens (3 CVEs)
- ----------: 3 ActionItems added "debian-security-issue-in-bookworm"
- 2023-03-28: Package removed from bookworm
- 2023-12-19: #1032092 is closed
- ----------: 3 ActionItems is not cleaned up
I'm not sure how the trixie action item got there, but I believe it is also stale. Bug #1059303 was open from 2023-12-22 to 2024-06-07 and had 2 CVEs. Asterisk was in only unstable for all that time as far as I can tell. The action item was created on 2023-10-22 and was last updated the same day.
Originally reported in