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Commit d59dd2a9 authored by Marc Herbert's avatar Marc Herbert Committed by Chris Lamb
Browse files

Search for expected keywords in the output of cbfstool tests and not a...

Search for expected keywords in the output of cbfstool tests and not a specific output. (Closes: !42)

Stop trying to track every small change in the output of the "cbfstool print"
command, just search for some expected keywords instead.

- Around 2015 the legacy master header stopped being generated by default:

- In v4.7, cbfstool added the Comp(ression) column.

- v4.8 or v4.9 added a new header " FMAP REGION: COREBOOT", see new
  contextual diff below.

Signed-off-by: Chris Lamb's avatarChris Lamb <>
parent 8993168a
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