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Commits on Source (7)
......@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ unstable:
<<: *test
image: debian:testing
# in testing the build-dependencies are not installable.
# keep trying, but ignore the failures
allow_failure: true
<<: *test
diffoscope (104) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
[ Chris Lamb ]
* comparators.macho: Prevent a traceback if the filename cannot be found
on the line. Closes: #910540
-- Mattia Rizzolo <> Tue, 09 Oct 2018 11:23:10 +0200
diffoscope (103) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Mattia Rizzolo ]
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Uploaders:
Ximin Luo <>,
abootimg <!nocheck>,
apktool [!ppc64el !s390x] <!nocheck>,
# apktool [!ppc64el !s390x] <!nocheck>,
binutils-multiarch <!nocheck>,
caca-utils <!nocheck>,
......@@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ Build-Depends:
libjs-jquery-isonscreen <!nocheck>,
libjs-jquery-tablesorter <!nocheck>,
libjs-jquery-throttle-debounce <!nocheck>,
linux-image-amd64 [amd64] <!nocheck>,
llvm <!nocheck>,
lz4 <!nocheck> | liblz4-tool <!nocheck>,
mono-utils <!nocheck>,
odt2txt <!nocheck>,
oggvideotools [!s390x] <!nocheck>,
# oggvideotools [!s390x] <!nocheck>,
openssh-client <!nocheck>,
pgpdump <!nocheck>,
poppler-utils <!nocheck>,
......@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ Build-Depends:
unzip <!nocheck>,
xmlbeans <!nocheck>,
xxd <!nocheck> | vim-common <!nocheck>,
Build-Conflicts: graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat
Standards-Version: 4.2.1
Rules-Requires-Root: no
......@@ -46,17 +46,9 @@ override_dh_auto_build: debian/diffoscope.bash-completion
dh_python3 -p diffoscope \
--depends=distro \
--recommends=argcomplete \
--recommends=binwalk \
--recommends=defusedxml \
--recommends=guestfs \
--recommends=jsondiff \
--recommends=progressbar \
--recommends=python-debian \
--recommends=pyxattr \
--recommends=rpm-python \
--recommends=tlsh \
--depends-section=distro_detection \
--recommends-section=cmdline \
--recommends-section=comparators \
bin/diffoscope --list-debian-substvars >> debian/diffoscope.substvars
......@@ -79,9 +71,17 @@ override_dh_auto_clean:
@echo "#" >> debian/tests/control.tmp
@cat debian/tests/ >> debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s#%RECOMMENDS%#$(shell bin/diffoscope --list-debian-substvars | cut -d= -f2)#" debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s,apktool,apktool [!ppc64el !s390x]," debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s#%PYRECOMMENDS%#$(shell python3 -c "import distutils.core; \
setup = distutils.core.run_setup(''); \
print(', '.join(['python3-'+x for y in setup.extras_require.values() for x in y]))" \
)#" debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s,python3-python-debian,python3-debian," debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s,python3-rpm-python,python3-rpm," debian/tests/control.tmp
#@sed -i "s,apktool,apktool [!ppc64el !s390x]," debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s/apktool, //" debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s,fp-utils,fp-utils [!ppc64el !s390x]," debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s,oggvideotools,oggvideotools [!s390x]," debian/tests/control.tmp
#@sed -i "s,oggvideotools,oggvideotools [!s390x]," debian/tests/control.tmp
@sed -i "s/oggvideotools, //" debian/tests/control.tmp
@set -e ; if ! diff -q debian/tests/control debian/tests/control.tmp ; then \
echo ;\
echo "The generated control file differs from the actual one." ;\
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# EDIT debian/tests/ INSTEAD!
Tests: pytest-with-recommends
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file, abootimg, acl, apktool [!ppc64el !s390x], binutils-multiarch, bzip2, caca-utils, colord, db-util, default-jdk-headless | default-jdk | java-sdk, device-tree-compiler, docx2txt, e2fsprogs, enjarify, fontforge-extras, fp-utils [!ppc64el !s390x], genisoimage, gettext, ghc, ghostscript, giflib-tools, gnumeric, gnupg, imagemagick, jsbeautifier, libarchive-tools, llvm, lz4 | liblz4-tool, mono-utils, odt2txt, oggvideotools [!s390x], openssh-client, pgpdump, poppler-utils, procyon-decompiler, r-base-core, rpm2cpio, sng, sqlite3, squashfs-tools, tcpdump, unzip, xmlbeans, xxd | vim-common, xz-utils
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file, abootimg, acl, binutils-multiarch, bzip2, caca-utils, colord, db-util, default-jdk-headless | default-jdk | java-sdk, device-tree-compiler, docx2txt, e2fsprogs, enjarify, fontforge-extras, fp-utils [!ppc64el !s390x], genisoimage, gettext, ghc, ghostscript, giflib-tools, gnumeric, gnupg, imagemagick, jsbeautifier, libarchive-tools, llvm, lz4 | liblz4-tool, mono-utils, odt2txt, openssh-client, pgpdump, poppler-utils, procyon-decompiler, r-base-core, rpm2cpio, sng, sqlite3, squashfs-tools, tcpdump, unzip, xmlbeans, xxd | vim-common, xz-utils, python3-distro, python3-argcomplete, python3-progressbar, python3-binwalk, python3-defusedxml, python3-guestfs, python3-jsondiff, python3-debian, python3-pyxattr, python3-rpm, python3-tlsh
Tests: pytest
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file
Tests: pytest-with-recommends
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file, %RECOMMENDS%
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file, %RECOMMENDS%, %PYRECOMMENDS%
Tests: pytest
Depends: diffoscope, python3-pytest, file
......@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ class ProcyonDecompiler(Command):
super().__init__(path, *args, **kwargs)
self.real_path = os.path.realpath(path)
def cmdline(self):
return ['procyon-decompiler', '-ec', self.path]
return ['procyon', '-ec', self.path]
def filter(self, line):
if re.match(r'^(//)', line.decode('utf-8')):
......@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ EXTERNAL_TOOLS = {
'arch': 'unzip',
'FreeBSD': 'unzip',
'procyon-decompiler': {
'procyon': {
'debian': 'procyon-decompiler',
'dumpxsb': {
......@@ -54,6 +54,17 @@ setup(
'distro_detection': ['distro'],
'cmdline': ['argcomplete', 'progressbar'],
'comparators': [
'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def compare_non_existing(monkeypatch, class1, decompiler):
assert len(difference.details) > 0
def test_diff_procyon(differences_procyon):
diff(differences_procyon, 'procyon_class_expected_diff')
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def test_diff_javap(differences_javap):
diff(differences_javap, 'javap_class_expected_diff')
def test_compare_non_existing_procyon(monkeypatch, class1):
compare_non_existing(monkeypatch, class1, ProcyonDecompiler)