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Commits on Source (11)
......@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
- And every bit was known.
- Bit for bit reproducible GNU toolchain in the early 90s on 10(?) architectures.
- *And then we all forgot.*
- Well, things also just got more complicated...
- Then, in 2011 and 2012, Bitcoin and Torbrowser were made reproducible.
* Debian
......@@ -98,7 +100,6 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- A list mail in 1997, very few more in 2001 and 2003.
- Then, in 2011 and 2012, Bitcoin and Torbrowser were made reproducible.
- In 2013 people in Debian began to investigate
- In 2014 systematic testing, classifications and weekly blogs.
- Since 2017 in Debian Policy
......@@ -110,7 +111,19 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
* Shared research and developments / WIP
* Humble beginnings
* Unexpected guests
* Shared research and developments
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- Test/research setup for many but not all projects.
......@@ -119,11 +132,26 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
- Shared public blog, now called monthly report.
- More collaboration is possible!
* Humble beginnings
* trolls
* Unexpected guests
* caves
* Does it like riddles?
This thing all things devours;
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats mountain down.
* And more riddles
Time! I need more Time!
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- timestamps
......@@ -134,31 +162,26 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
- timestamps
- It's fun to discover these! Well, mostly.
* First Breakfast! Second Breakfast?
* Elevensies!
* trolls
* caves
* Who does your hardware serve?
** image
:BEAMER_col: 0.6
:BEAMER_col: 0.5
** text
:BEAMER_col: 0.4
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- Highly portable! Always keep close to you.
- Magic powers (e.g. invisibility)
- Precious
- May use *you* for it's own ends
* Dark and forboding places
** image
......@@ -170,6 +193,12 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
* Councils of the Wise
Reproducible builds summits:
#+ATTR_BEAMER: :overlay <+->
- Athens 2015
- Berlin 2016
......@@ -177,7 +206,7 @@ identical copies of all specified artifacts.
- Paris 2018
- Marrakesh 2019
* What can you see, burglar?
* Forest for the trees
......@@ -253,11 +282,10 @@
- 93% is a wonderful fantasy
- 7% of 30000 source packages means 2100 unreproducible source packages.
- And there's new software every hour
- Getting software reproducible in theory is 33% of the way.
- The next 33% are about reproducible builds in practice, which means changing distro tools and workflows. Technically easy...
- The last 33% are again different for each distro and divided into these questions:
- distributing trust
- how to "Enable everyone to independently..." in practice. (eg for Debian there are two designs with code, but...)
- Getting software reproducible in theory is only part of the way
- Hard work begins making reproducible builds in practice
- distributed multi-party verification
- meaningful end-user interfaces
- *There is a lot to do. Please. Help.*
* Collaboration
......@@ -311,7 +339,7 @@
* Copyright
* Copyright and attributions
\ No newline at end of file