* Holger has renewed and sponsored the reproducible-builds.org domain for the fourth year.
* New sources of indeterminism about using inode numbers, ctime and certain filesystem-dependent sizes have been documented in [theunreproduciblepackage](https://github.com/bmwiedemann/theunreproduciblepackage/tree/master/filesystem)
* The briar project wrote about its [effort to make its android app build reproducible](https://blog.grobox.de/2018/building-briar-reproducible-and-why-it-matters/). Apparently, one last issue is around readdir order influencing an .arsc file.
* The prototype fund [noted in a tweet how two of its supported projects overlap](https://twitter.com/prototypefund/status/1027088342071029761)
* [syncthing](https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/628525) ([date](https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/commit/c51365c634c9687009778caf097ba059b88f8805) via version update to 0.14.49)