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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -44,12 +44,17 @@ source.url=<url where to download official source tarball>
source.scm.uri=<source control management url as in pom.xml>
source.scm.tag=<source control management tag as in pom.xml>
# build environment information
# build instructions
build.setup=<optional url of documentation explaining specific additional setup when necessary: will be enhanced in a future buildinfo format version>
# effective build environment information
java.version=<full Java version><Operating system name>
source.used=<artifact|url|scm, depending on which has been used for the build>
# Each build tool or plugin is free to add additional entries to the buildinfo.
# Each build tool or plugin is free to add additional entries to the buildinfo,
# both for build instructions and effective build environment.
# For example, the sbt plugin may add the following for Scala: