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Commits on Source (4)
......@@ -106,6 +106,15 @@ record 0 as values:
$ tar --owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner -cf product.tar build
{% endhighlight %}
PAX headers
GNU tar defaults to the pax format and if `POSIXLY_CORRECT` is set, that adds files' ctime, atime and the PID of the tar process as non-deterministic metadata.
To avoid this, either `unset POSIXLY_CORRECT` (only works with [tar>1.32]( or add to the tar call
`,delete=atime,delete=ctime` or `--format=gnu` (both only available in GNU tar)
or use `--format=ustar` if the limitations in that format are not a problem.
Full example
......@@ -117,6 +126,7 @@ The recommended way to create a Tar archive is thus:
$ tar --sort=name \
--mtime="@${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH}" \
--owner=0 --group=0 --numeric-owner \,delete=atime,delete=ctime \
-cf product.tar build
{% endhighlight %}
......@@ -166,3 +176,28 @@ or `objcopy`:
The above does not fix [file ordering]({{ "/docs/stable-inputs/" | prepend: site.baseurl }}).
[^distros-with-default]: Debian since [version 2.25-6](, Ubuntu since version 2.25-8ubuntu1/artful 17.10. It is the default for Fedora 22 and Fedora 23, but it seems this will be [reverted in Fedora 24](
Initramfs images
*cpio* archives are commonly used for initramfs images. The *cpio* header
format (see `man 5 cpio`) can contain device and inode numbers, which whilst
deterministic, can vary from system to system.
One way to filter these is by piping through bsdtar.
Example of non-deterministic code:
echo ucode.bin |
bsdcpio -o -H newc -R 0:0 > ucode.img
Example of deterministic code:
echo ucode.bin |
bsdtar --uid 0 --gid 0 -cnf - -T - |
bsdtar --null -cf - --format=newc @- > ucode.img
Note that other issues such as timestamps may still require rectification prior
to archival.