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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -33,15 +33,11 @@ event_summary: Seven days of hacking including a three-day workshop to continue
- some better photos
- explain venue is more like a youth hotel, though there are 10 beds in 5 rooms in the guesthouse next door. (the other 20 beds are in-house.
- suggest alternate accomodation options nearby. There are plenty.
- quick poll, decide in a two weeks or three? (better than rushed in a week)
exact dates for 'old style' summit part?
- explain costs:
- 350e per week & person, that's 50e for accom & food & venue per day
- if you cannot pay, thats fine. if you(r company) can pay (this or less), great
- ask for 300e from people staying elsewhere (its also ok if they pay nothing or less)
- registration deadline?
- mail last years sponsors
- include SFC early in financial planning
......@@ -124,7 +120,7 @@ of Marrakesh</a> are in close walking distance.
<!-- he summit was held from 10 AM until 6 PM on December 11th to 13th 2018. until 5 PM on the 13th -->
To be decided.
The exact dates still need to be decided. Besides that, the daily schedules will be roughly as described above in the <em>Extended format</em> and <em>Goals</em> sections, gently adjusted by the timings of the food breaks.
<h3>Other activities</h3>