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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ event_summary: Seven total days of hacking, including a three-day 'core' worksho
As of now there will be participants from Arch Linux, Bazel, coreboot, Debian, F-Droid, GNU Guix, GNU Mes, Google, Huawei, in-toto, Indiana University (IU), MirageOS, New York University (NYU), openSUSE, OpenWrt, Tails, Tor Project and
more&hellip; <br />
As of now there will be participants from Arch Linux, Bazel, coreboot, Debian,
F-Droid, GNU Guix, GNU Mes, Google, Huawei, in-toto, Indiana University (IU),
MirageOS, New York University (NYU), openSUSE, OpenWrt, Tails, Tor Project,
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and more&hellip; <br />
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