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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -25,19 +25,18 @@ event_summary: Seven days of hacking including a three-day workshop to continue
<b>This is work in progress</b> and will be announced properly soon.
- fix all sentences 'will be', 'be decided', 'been opened', 'very soon', 'probably', 'yet', 'approx', 'do not'
- morocco welcomes tourists very much
- no vaccatinations required
- a few more words about the venue, Priscilla, Queen of the Medina
mention mirage OS retreats
- some better photos
- explain venue is more like a youth hotel, though there are 10 beds in 5 rooms in the guesthouse next door. (the other 20 beds are in-house.
- suggest alternate accomodation options nearby. There are plenty.
add something about marrakesh or are those links enough
explain venue is more like a youth hotel, though there are 10 beds in 5 rooms in the guesthouse next door. (the other 20 beds are in-house.
suggest alternate accomodation options nearby. There are plenty.
'Thus many of the landmarks of Marrakesh are in close walking distance.' - a few more words about Marrakesh
- explain costs:
- 350e per week & person, that's 50e for accom & food & venue per day
- if you cannot pay, thats fine. if you(r company) can pay (this or less), great
- ask for 300e from people staying elsewhere (its also ok if they pay nothing or less)
- registration deadline?
- fix all sentences 'will be', 'be decided', 'been opened', 'very soon', 'probably', 'yet', 'approx', 'do not'
......@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ event_summary: Seven days of hacking including a three-day workshop to continue
As always, the exact content of the meeting will be shaped by the participants,
As in previous years, the exact content of the meeting will be shaped by the participants,
these are our main goals as organizers:
......@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ of Marrakesh</a> are in close walking distance.
<h3>Other activities</h3>
<em>To be organized by the attendees while in Marrakesh.</em> There are plenty of options and advice available, but other activities will need to be organized by the non-organizers, who would love to participate in an excursion to the mountains or the sea.
<em>To be organized</em> by the attendees while in Marrakesh. There are plenty of options and advice available, but other activities will need to be organized by the non-organizers, who would love to participate in an excursion to the mountains or the sea.
<h2>Code of Conduct</h2>