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Commits on Source (7)
FROM debian:stretch
RUN apt-get update -q && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -qy --no-install-recommends \
python3 python3-setuptools ca-certificates \
diffoscope disorderfs faketime locales-all sudo \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
WORKDIR /reprotest
COPY . .
RUN python3 install
ENTRYPOINT ["reprotest"]
......@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ The easiest way to run reprotest is via our presets::
$ reprotest .
$ reprotest . -vv -- null -d # for very verbose output
# Build a make-based program
$ reprotest "make clean && make" mybinary
# Build the given Debian source package in an schroot
# See for instructions on setting that up.
$ reprotest reprotest_0.3.3.dsc -- schroot unstable-amd64-sbuild
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_PROFILES)))
# This is mean to be run by autopkgtest, and runs against the *installed*
# This is meant to be run by autopkgtest, and runs against the *installed*
# version of reprotest. To run it against the development version, give
# PYTHONPATH=$PWD. (Or just use override_dh_auto_test, above.)
......@@ -357,6 +357,8 @@ def timezone(ctx, build, vary):
def faketime(ctx, build, vary):
if "time" not in ctx.spec:
return build
if not vary:
# fix the time at base_faketime
faket = ctx.base_faketime