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......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
'Archive::Cpio' => 0, # required to pass tests
'Archive::Zip' => 0,
'Getopt::Long' => 0,
'Monkey::Patch' => 0,
LICENSE => "gpl",
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9nf', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ use warnings;
use File::Temp;
use File::StripNondeterminism;
use Archive::Zip qw/:CONSTANTS :ERROR_CODES/;
use Monkey::Patch qw/patch_class/;
# A magic number from Archive::Zip for the earliest timestamp that
# can be represented by a Zip file. From the Archive::Zip source:
......@@ -145,6 +146,10 @@ sub normalize_extra_fields($$) {
} else {
# Catch invalid field lengths by calculating whether we would
# read beyond the end of the file.
if (!defined($len)) {
warn "strip-nondeterminism: unknown extra field length";
if ($pos + $len >= length($field)) {
warn "strip-nondeterminism: invalid extra field length ($len)";
......@@ -213,14 +218,34 @@ sub normalize {
? oct(755)
: oct(644));
foreach my $x (qw(cdExtraField localExtraField)) {
my $result = normalize_extra_fields($canonical_time, $member->$x);
return 0 unless defined $result;
my $old_perms = (stat($zip_filename))[2] & oct(7777);
# Archive::Zip::Member does not handle the localExtraField field (used for
# uid/gids) correctly or consistently.
# It does not populate localExtraField in the class upon initial reading of
# the file whilst it does for cdExtraField. One can workaround this
# manually with calls to _seekToLocalHeader and _readLocalFileHeader but
# upon writing to a file back to the disk Archive::Zip will ignore any
# stored value of localExtraField (!) and reload it again from the existing
# file handle in/around rewindData.
# We therefore monkey-patch the accessor methods of the Member class to
# ensure that normalised values are used in this final save.
# <>
my @patches = map {
patch_class('Archive::Zip::Member', $_, sub {
my $fn = shift;
my $result = $fn->(@_);
return defined($result) ?
normalize_extra_fields($canonical_time, $result) : $result;
} qw(cdExtraField localExtraField);
return 0 unless $zip->overwrite() == AZ_OK;
undef @patches; # Remove our monkey patches
chmod($old_perms, $zip_filename);
return 1;