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Commit dea3b531 authored by Salvatore Bonaccorso's avatar Salvatore Bonaccorso
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Try to resolve confusion in CVEs for xymon

We have to assume that the now set is correct. Former communication
involved those CVEs which were used as well by the maintainer in the
debian/changelog file. But upstream used different CVEs (possibly
typoed) in the announce in

The correct set of CVEs should be thus

       - CVE-2019-13451: service overflows histlogfn in history.c.
       - CVE-2019-13452: service overflows histlogfn in reportlog.c.
       - CVE-2019-13273: srdb overflows dbfn in csvinfo.c.
       - CVE-2019-13274: reflected XSS in csvinfo.c.
       - CVE-2019-13455: htmlquoted(hostname) overflows msgline in
       - CVE-2019-13484: htmlquoted(xymondreq) overflows errtxt appfeed.c.
       - CVE-2019-13485: hostname overflows selfurl in history.c.
       - CVE-2019-13486: htmlquoted(xymondreq) overflows errtxt in
parent 4555f5e3
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