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  • janitor-team/proposed/feedbackd
  • aasim690/feedbackd
  • devrtz/feedbackd
  • agx/feedbackd
  • DebianOnMobile-team/feedbackd
5 results
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Commits on Source (19)
with 164 additions and 48 deletions
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ include:
- remote: ''
- remote: ''
- build
- test
feedbackd 0.0.3
Released Febrary 2023
* spec: Separate system and application events
* theme: add screen-shot event
* Build and doc fixes
* Update gmobile to 0.0.1
* Contributors:
* Guido Günther
feedbackd 0.0.2
Released December 2022
......@@ -64,6 +64,11 @@
"type" : "Sound",
"effect" : "phone-outgoing-busy"
"event-name" : "screen-capture",
"type" : "Sound",
"effect" : "screen-capture"
"event-name" : "timeout-completed",
"type" : "Sound",
feedbackd (0.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release
* Drop all patches. All patches applied upstream.
-- Guido Günther <> Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:29:59 +0100
feedbackd (0.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release
From: =?utf-8?q?Guido_G=C3=BCnther?= <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2022 17:29:28 +0100
Subject: build: Add dbus sources to the lib dependency
Otherwise we might fail to generate it for the executables
src/ | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 9a30fad..a75cf6d 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ fbd_lib = static_library(
fbd_dep = declare_dependency(
+ sources: generated_dbus_sources,
include_directories : fbd_inc,
link_with : fbd_lib,
dependencies : fbd_deps,
......@@ -51,14 +51,15 @@ name space clashes with future standardized names. Example:
This section describes the standard Event names that should be used
by artists when creating themes, and by developers when writing
applications which will use the Feedback Theme Specification.
applications which will use the Feedback Theme Specification. Application
developers should only use event names from the *Applications*
section as the other sections are reserved for system components.
### Alerts
### Applications
- battery-low: The Event used when the battery is low (below 20%, for example).
- power-unplug-battery-low: The power cable has been unplugged and the battery level is low.
These events are meant to be used by applications.
### Notifications
#### Notifications
- camera-focus: The event used when the camera got focus.
- camera-shutter: The event used when a photo was taken.
......@@ -74,27 +75,47 @@ applications which will use the Feedback Theme Specification.
- phone-outgoing-busy: The event used when for outgoing phone/voip call when the responder is busy/not available.
- phone-hangup: The event used when a phone/voip call is hung up.
- phone-failure: The event used when a phone/voip call is terminated because of a failure.
- battery-caution: The event used when the battery is nearing exhaustion (below 40%, for example).
- battery-full: The event used when the battery is fully loaded up.
- device-added: The event used when a device has become available to the desktop, i.e. due to USB plugging.
- power-plug: The power cable has been plugged in.
- power-unplug: The power cable has been unplugged.
- alarm-clock-elapsed: A user configured alarm elapsed.
- timeout-completed: A user configured timeout completed (e.g. a stop watch).
### Actions
#### Actions
- message-sent-instant: The sound used when a new IM is sent.
#### Input Events
- button-pressed: The event used when a button is pressed.
- button-released: The event used when a button is released.
### System Components
These events are meant to be used by applications.
### Actions
- bell-terminal: The sound to use as a terminal bell.
- screen-capture: A screenshot was made
- theme-demo: A event that should be played for demoing this theme. Usually
this should just be an alias for a very representative sound (such as
a incoming phone call) of a theme that would work nicely as a demo event for
a theme in the theme selector dialog.
### Input Event
### Alerts
- battery-low: The Event used when the battery is low (below 20%, for example).
- power-unplug-battery-low: The power cable has been unplugged and the battery level is low.
### Notifications
- battery-caution: The event used when the battery is nearing exhaustion (below 40%, for example).
- battery-full: The event used when the battery is fully loaded up.
- device-added: The event used when a device has become available to the desktop, i.e. due to USB plugging.
- power-plug: The power cable has been plugged in.
- power-unplug: The power cable has been unplugged.
#### Input Events
- button-pressed: The event used when a button is pressed.
- button-released: The event used when a button is released.
- window-close: The sound used when an existing window is closed.
[Sound naming spec]:
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ OPTIONS
``-E=EVENT``; ``--event=EVENT``
Submit the given event to ``feedbackd``. Valid events are listes in
the event naming spec at
``-t=TIMEOUT``; ``--timeout=TIMEOUT``
The timeout in seconds after which feedback for the given event should
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
* LfbEvent:
* @Short_description: An event triggering feedback to the user
* @Title: LfbEvent
* An event triggering feedback to the user
* #LfbEvent represents an event that should trigger
* audio, haptic and/or visual feedback to the user by triggering
* feedback on a feedback daemon. Valid event names are specified
* in the
* [Event naming specification](
* [Event naming specification](Event-naming-spec-0.0.0.html).
* One event can trigger multiple feedbacks at once (e.g. audio and
* haptic feedback). This is determined by the feedback theme in
......@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ lfb_event_get_end_reason (LfbEvent *self)
* Tells the feedback server to use the given feedback profile for
* this event when it is submitted. The server might ignore this
* request. Valid profile names and their 'noisiness' are specified
* in the [Feedback theme specification](
* in the [Feedback theme specification](Feedback-theme-spec-0.0.0.html).
* A value of %NULL (the default) lets the server pick the profile.
project('feedbackd', 'c',
version : '0.0.2',
version : '0.0.3',
license : 'LGPLv3+',
meson_version : '>= 0.56.0',
default_options : [
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if get_option('daemon')
gmobile = gmobile_subp.get_variable('libgmobile_dep')
gmobile = gmobile_subp.get_variable('gmobile_dep')
gsound = dependency('gsound')
gudev = dependency('gudev-1.0', version: '>=232')
json_glib = dependency('json-glib-1.0')
......@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ fbd_feedback_manager_load_theme (FbdFeedbackManager *self)
g_autofree char *theme_name = NULL;
const char *theme_file = g_getenv (FEEDBACKD_THEME_VAR);
compatibles = gm_devicetree_get_compatibles (NULL, &err);
compatibles = gm_device_tree_get_compatibles (NULL, &err);
if (compatibles == NULL && err) {
g_debug ("Failed to get compatibles: %s", err->message);
g_clear_error (&err);
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ fbd_lib = static_library(
fbd_dep = declare_dependency(
sources: generated_dbus_sources,
include_directories : fbd_inc,
link_with : fbd_lib,
dependencies : fbd_deps,
......@@ -11,5 +11,8 @@
(css-mode . (
(css-indent-offset . 2)
(js-mode . (
(indent-tabs-mode . nil)
(js-indent-level . 2)
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ stages:
DIST: bookworm
DEPS: >-
ccache build-essential libglib2.0-dev meson
ccache build-essential libglib2.0-dev libjson-glib-dev meson
python3-toml python3-jinja2 python3-typogrify libgirepository1.0-dev git
gi-docgen gcovr
- echo "man-db man-db/auto-update boolean false" | debconf-set-selections
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ doc:
- meson ${BUILD_OPTS} _build
- ninja -C _build
- mv _build/doc/libgmobile-0 _doc/
- mv _build/doc/gmobile-0 _doc/
- _doc/
gmobile 0.0.1
Released: January 2023
* Initial release (no API guarantees!)
* New API:
- GmSvgPath: Store SVG path and get it's bounds
- GmRect: Simple rectangle
- GmCutout: A display cutout or notch
- GmDisplayPanel: Describes a display panel
- GmDeviceInfo: Retrieve device information
* New tools:
- gm-display-panel-preview: Generate SVGs and HTML to visualize a device's
* Added devices:
- Librem 5
- OnePlus 6
- OnePlust 6T
* API changes:
gm_device_tree_get_compatibles -> gm_devicetree_get_compatibles
"name": "Oneplus 6",
"x-res": 1080,
"y-res": 2280,
"comment": "Device owner, please provide a value:",
"border-radius": 30,
"width": 68,
"height": 145,
"cutouts" : [
"name": "notch",
"path": "M 357 0
A 24 24 0 0 1 381 22
A 64 64 0 0 0 445 80
L 635 80
A 64 64 0 0 0 699 22
A 24 24 0 0 1 723 0
"name": "Oneplus 6T",
"x-res": 1080,
"y-res": 2340,
"border-radius": 120,
"width": 68,
"height": 145,
"cutouts" : [
"name": "notch",
"path": "M 355,0
h 368.34
c -9.77,0.44 -19.57,0.08 -29.28,1.24
c -20.33,1.14 -41.18,5.17 -58.62,16.24
c -16.9,10.79 -29.44,26.78 -43.44,40.81
a 72.73,72.73 0 0 1 -38.29 19.58
c -16.53,2.51 -34,1 -49.09,-6.62
c -9.85,-4.62 -17.88,-12.24 -25.21,-20.18
c -10.46,-11.27 -20.9,-22.75 -33.53,-31.66
c -11.49,-8 -24.9,-12.78 -38.53,-15.42
c -17.27,-3.18 -34.86,-3.6 -52.35,-3.99
"name": "Purism Librem 5",
"x-res": 720,
"y-res": 1440,
"width": 68,
"height": 145
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gresource prefix="/org/gnome/gmobile/">
<!-- Devices with one panel matched by their DT compatible -->
<file preprocess="json-stripblanks">devices/display-panels/oneplus,enchilada.json</file>
<file preprocess="json-stripblanks">devices/display-panels/oneplus,fajita.json</file>
<file preprocess="json-stripblanks">devices/display-panels/purism,librem5.json</file>
gm_resources = gnome.compile_resources(
extra_args: '--manual-register',
c_name: 'gm',