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Turn test deps from package under test into versioned dependencies

Paride Legovini requested to merge paride/autopkgtest:debbug1052119 into master

Dependencies on binary packages coming from the package under test (synth_deps) are turned into versioned dependencies. E.g., if src:foo is the package under test, and src:foo builds bin:bar, then a test dependency on bar (possibly coming from @ expansion) is turned into a dependency on bar (= VERSION), where VERSION is the candidate version according to the configured priorities.

This is needed to:

  1. ensure that the right version is installed (apt-get satisfy bar does not upgrade bar if the dependency is already satisfied)
  2. to always be strict on the package under test binaries, even if the fallback mechanism or --no-strict-pinning relax the configured pinning.

Closes: #1052119

This changes touches some delicate logic and requires a careful review.

Merge request reports
