David Prévot authoredbebc1105
README.md 1.65 KiB
Installing locally
- Checkout this repository
- Install Python and Node tools:
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv virtualenv npm nodejs-legacy
- Create a py3k virtualenv:
python3 -m venv ve
ve/bin/python -m pip install wheel
- Activate the virtualenv:
. ve/bin/activate
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a
:cp localsettings.py.sample localsettings.py
- Run migrations (creates the DB):
./manage.py migrate
- Install JS toolchain and dependencies
npm install
- Download and build static assets:
- Generate markdown page in DB:
./manage.py load_pages
- Create the admin account:
./manage.py createsuperuser
- Run the webserver:
./manage.py runserver
Filling out data
./manage.py wafer_add_default_groups
- Once-off, create auth groups. -
./manage.py populate_nights_meals
- Once-off, create meals & nights, for registration. -
./manage.py populate_sponsor_packages
- Once-off, create sponsorship packages. -
./manage.py load_sponsors
- Load sponsors from git.
Installing in production
- apt install
- libjs-jquery
- memcached
- nodejs-legacy
- python3
- python3-diff-match-patch
- python3-django/stretch-backports
- python3-django-crispy-forms
- python3-django-jsonfield
- python3-django-nose
- python3-django-reversion
- python3-djangorestframework
- python3-libravatar
- python3-markdown
- python3-pil
- python3-psycopg2
- python3-requests
- python3-tz
- python3-venv
- python3-wheel
- python3-yaml
- install npm from git (put ~/git/npm/bin/npm-cli.js on PATH as npm)