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Sorry :D, Add a metric ton of patches, which increase readability of GOsa² code.

Daniel Teichmann requested to merge mr/run-phpcbf-command-on-include into master
set -e
set -x

if ! [ -s counter ]; then
    echo -n "1200" > counter
counter="$(cat counter)"

quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg new "$(cat counter)_REFACTOR_run-phpcbf-${1//\//_}.patch"
quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg add "$1"

if ! phpcbf "$1" --extensions=inc --standard=PSR12; then
    quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg refresh
    git add "debian/patches/$(cat counter)_REFACTOR_run-phpcbf-${1//\//_}.patch";
    git add "debian/patches/series";
    git commit -m "debian/patches/$(cat counter)_REFACTOR_run-phpcbf-${1//\//_}.patch: Run 'phpcbf \"$1\" --extensions=inc --standard=PSR12' command.";

echo -n "$counter" > counter

I'm open for discussion, since these changes will completely f up the git history. But for the better of everyone?

Merge request reports
