Import Debian changes 0.90-1
cvm (0.90-1) unstable; urgency=low . * new upstream version. * debian/rules: mostly redo; build, install new packages; drop diet libraries for now. * debian/control: change binary package cvm-dev to libcvm1-dev, lib-cvm1, providing shared and static libraries; no longer Build-Depends: dietlibc-dev; Build-Depends: libbg1-dev, libtool Standards-Version: * debian/cvm-*.[78]: add description to NAME. * debian/diff/ new; redo tests.diff with git. * debian/diff/0002-Makefile-avoid-rpath-workaround-some...diff: new; Makefile: avoid rpath; workaround some linking issues. *, debian/ remove; drop for now. * debian/cvm-dev.README.Debian, debian/ rename to libcvm1-dev.* respectively. * debian/ adapt paths. * libcvm1.postinst, libcvm1.postrm: new; run ldconfig on configure, remove. * debian/libcvm1-dev.README.Debian: adapt.
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Tags debian/0.90-1
- ANNOUNCEMENT 105 additions, 0 deletionsANNOUNCEMENT
- AUTOFILES 12 additions, 0 deletionsAUTOFILES
- COPYING 340 additions, 0 deletionsCOPYING
- ChangeLog 4168 additions, 0 deletionsChangeLog
- ChangeLog.vmailmgr 372 additions, 0 deletionsChangeLog.vmailmgr
- FILES 125 additions, 0 deletionsFILES
- INSTHIER 48 additions, 0 deletionsINSTHIER
- LIBVERSION 1 addition, 0 deletionsLIBVERSION
- Makefile 386 additions, 0 deletionsMakefile
- NEWS 378 additions, 0 deletionsNEWS
- NEWS.sql 21 additions, 0 deletionsNEWS.sql
- NEWS.vmailmgr 69 additions, 0 deletionsNEWS.vmailmgr
- README 76 additions, 0 deletionsREADME
- README.vchkpw 37 additions, 0 deletionsREADME.vchkpw
- README.vmailmgr 62 additions, 0 deletionsREADME.vmailmgr
- SRCFILES 76 additions, 0 deletionsSRCFILES
- TARGETS 148 additions, 0 deletionsTARGETS
- TODO 50 additions, 0 deletionsTODO
- VERSION 1 addition, 0 deletionsVERSION
- client_domain.c 39 additions, 0 deletionsclient_domain.c
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