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# A Hobbit client-side module to check the local network interface
# states (e.g. "needs to be up", "needs to be in promiscuous mode",
# etc.).
# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Axel Beckert <>
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#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Hobbit;
use YAML::Tiny;
use Sys::Hostname;
use File::Which;
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use IPC::Run qw(run);
use Carp;

my $interval = 10; # How long to measure packet amounts in seconds
my @config_file_locations = qw(
my %netstat_field = (
    'RX-OK'  => 2,
    'RX-ERR' => 3,
    'TX-OK'  => 10,
    'TX-ERR' => 11,
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# Only do something if a config file is present
my $config_file;
foreach my $location (@config_file_locations) {
    if (-e $location) {
        $config_file = $location;
exit 0 unless defined $config_file and -e $config_file;
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my $bb = new Hobbit('net');
my $hostname = hostname;
my $config;

# Try to parse the YAML configuration and throw a warning if the
# YAML::Tiny parser fails. Needs to copy with different generations of
# YAML::Tiny which have different behaviour on errors.
my $config_yaml = YAML::Tiny->read($config_file);
unless (defined $config_yaml) {
    $bb->color_line( 'red',
                     "YAML::Tiny couldn't parse $config_file.\n".
                     ( defined($YAML::Tiny::errstr) ?
                       $YAML::Tiny::errstr."\n" :
                       '' ));
    exit 0;

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# Look for my hostname in the configuration file and exit if it's not
# in there.
$config = $config_yaml->[0]{$hostname} if ( exists($config_yaml->[0]) and
                                    exists($config_yaml->[0]{$hostname}) and
                                    defined($config_yaml->[0]{$hostname}) );
exit 0 unless $config;

my %if_cache;
my %special_case = (
    'Full' => 'Duplex: Full',
    'Half' => 'Duplex: Half',
    'TP' => 'Port: Twisted Pair',
    'Twisted Pair' => 'Port: Twisted Pair',
    'FIBRE' => 'Port: FIBRE',
    'MTU' => 'mtu',
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# Check if at least one of the two binaries is present
my $ip_bin       = which 'ip';
my $ifconfig_bin = which 'ifconfig';
my $ethtool_bin  = which 'ethtool';
if ($ip_bin or $ifconfig_bin) {
    my @interfaces = ();
    if (ref($config) eq 'ARRAY') {
        @interfaces = @$config;
        foreach my $interface (@interfaces) {
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    } elsif (ref($config) eq 'HASH') {
        @interfaces = sort keys %$config;
        foreach my $interface (@interfaces) {
            if (ref($config->{$interface}) eq 'ARRAY') {
                my @states = @{$config->{$interface}};
                foreach my $state (@states) {
                    my $color = 'yellow';
                    if (ref($state) eq 'HASH') {
                        # TODO: Support more than one key value pair per line
                        my $old_state = $state;
                        $state = (keys   %$old_state)[0];
                        $color = (values %$old_state)[0];
                        #use Data::Dumper;
                        #die Dumper [$old_state, $state, $color];
                    check_if_state($interface, $state, $color);
            } elsif (ref($config->{$interface}) eq 'HASH') {
                my $if_state = $config->{$interface};
                my @states = sort keys %$if_state;
                foreach my $state (@states) {
                    check_if_state($interface, $state, $if_state->{$state});
            } else {
                    "$hostname -> $interface is not a YAML list or hash, skipping.\n"
} else {
# Neither ifconfig nor ip is found?!? Strange installation, that.
        "$config_file exists, but neither ip nor ifconfig can be found in $ENV{PATH}.\n"


### Functions

sub parse_proc_net_dev {
    my $contents = shift;

    my $matrix = [];
    foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $contents)) {
        # Ignore headers
        next unless $line =~ /:/;

        push(@$matrix, [ split(' ', $line) ]);
    return $matrix;

sub proc_net_dev_stats {
    # Capture /proc/net/dev twice with $interval seconds in between
    my $first_read = read_file('/proc/net/dev');
    if (!defined($first_read)) {
        $bb->color_line( 'yellow',
                         "Couldn't read /proc/net/dev initially!");
        return ($stdout, $stderr);
    my $second_read = read_file('/proc/net/dev');
    if (!defined($second_read)) {
        $bb->color_line( 'yellow',
                         "Couldn't read /proc/net/dev for a second time!");
        return ($stdout, $stderr);

    # Parse them into an array of arrays
    my $first_matrix  = parse_proc_net_dev($first_read);
    my $second_matrix = parse_proc_net_dev($second_read);
    my $result_matrix = [];

    # Then calculate the difference between all numerical values
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$first_matrix; $i++) {
        $result_matrix->[$i] = [];
        for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$first_matrix->[$i]}; $j++) {
            my $a = $first_matrix->[$i][$j];
            my $b = $second_matrix->[$i][$j];

            if ($a =~ /^\d+$/ and $b =~ /^\d+$/) {
                $result_matrix->[$i][$j] = ($b - $a)/$interval;
            } elsif ($a eq $b) {
                $result_matrix->[$i][$j] = $a;
            } else {
                $bb->color_line( 'yellow',
                                 'Inconsistency found in /proc/net/dev: '.
                                 "'$a' not equal '$b', but both are not a ".
                                 "number either.");

    foreach my $line (@$result_matrix) {
        my $line_interface = $line->[0];
        $line_interface =~ s/:$//;
        my $if_stdout = '';
        foreach my $type (sort keys %netstat_field) {
                $type .
                ': ' .
                $line->[$netstat_field{$type}] .
        $if_cache{"netstat+$line_interface"} =
            [ $if_stdout, $stderr, 'netstat', $line_interface ];
    $if_cache{"netstat"} =
        [ $stdout, $stderr, 'netstat' ];
    return @{$if_cache{"netstat+$interface"}};
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sub check_if_state {
    my ($interface, $state, $color) = @_;
    my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr, @cmd, $exitcode);

    # Special casing
    if (exists $special_case{$state}) {
        $state = $special_case{$state};
    } elsif ($state eq 'DOWN' and not $ip_bin) {
        $state = 'not UP';

    # Generic special cases (sic!)
    $state =~ s{ (\d+) baseT $ }{Speed: ${1}Mb/s}x;
    $state =~ s{ ^ \d+ Mb/s $ }{Speed: $&}x;

    # Some checks need ethtool
    if ($state =~ /Duplex:|Speed:|Auto-negotiation:|Port:|Link detected:/) {
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        if (exists $if_cache{"ethtool+$interface"}) {
            ($stdout, $stderr, @cmd) =
                (@{$if_cache{"ethtool+$interface"}}, '(cached)');
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            return 0 if (defined($stderr) and
                         $stderr =~ /No such device/);
        } else {
            if ($ethtool_bin) {
                @cmd = ('ethtool', $interface);
            } else {
                    "State '$state' (on '$interface') can only be queried ".
                    "with ethtool, but ethtool seems not available.\n");
            run(\@cmd, \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr);
            $exitcode = $? >> 8;

            $if_cache{"ethtool+$interface"} = [ $stdout, $stderr, @cmd ];
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    # Checks against /proc/net/dev (aka netstat without calling a program)
    } elsif ($state =~ /^[TR]X-(OK|ERR)[:<>=\s]/) {
        if (exists $if_cache{"netstat+$interface"}) {
            ($stdout, $stderr, @cmd) =
                (@{$if_cache{"netstat+$interface"}}, '(cached)');
                ($stdout, $stderr) = &proc_net_dev_stats($interface);
            } else {
                    "/proc/net/dev either does not exist or is not readable.\n");
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    } else {
    # States being able to read with ip or ifconfig
        if (exists $if_cache{$interface}) {
            ($stdout, $stderr, @cmd) =
                (@{$if_cache{$interface}}, '(cached)');
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            return 0 if (defined($stderr) and
                         $stderr =~ /Cannot find device|Device not found/);
        } else {
            if ($ip_bin) {
                # Safeguard because we have to use "sh -c ..."
                croak "Bad interface name '$interface'"
                    if $interface !~ /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/;
                @cmd = ('sh', '-c',
                        "ip link show dev $interface && ip address show dev $interface");
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            } elsif ($ifconfig_bin) {
                @cmd = ('ifconfig', $interface);
            } else {
                croak 'Assertion failed: ip or ifconfig present';
            run(\@cmd, \$stdin, \$stdout, \$stderr);
            $exitcode = $? >> 8;

            $if_cache{$interface} = [ $stdout, $stderr, @cmd ];
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    if (defined($stderr) and $stderr ne '') {
        if ($stderr =~ /Cannot find device|Device not found|No such device/) {
                "Interface '$interface' configured, but not found. Skipping.\n");
            return 0;

        # Ignore all "Operation not permitted" warnings as long as we
        # get all the information we wanted.
        unless ($stderr =~ /Operation not permitted/) {
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                "Calling '".join(' ', @cmd)."' caused a warning: $stderr");

    if ($exitcode) {
            "Querying $interface exited with $exitcode.\n");

    if (defined($stdout) and $stdout ne '') {
        if ($state =~ /^not\s(.*)$/) {
            $state = $1;
            if ($stdout =~ /\b\Q$state\E\b/) {
                $bb->color_line($color || 'yellow',
                                "$interface is $state (but shouldn't)\n");
            } else {
                                "$interface isn't $state\n");
        } elsif ($state =~ / ^ ([^<>=]*?) \s* ( [<>=] | [<>=]= ) \s* ([^<>=]*?) $ /x) {
            my ($key, $comparison, $threshold) = ($1, $2, $3);

            $key =~ s/:$//;
            if ($stdout =~ / \b \Q$key\E :? \s* ( [-+]? \d+(?:\.\d+)? ) \b /x) {
                my $value = $1;
                $comparison = '==' if $comparison eq '=';

                if (eval('$value '.$comparison.' '.$threshold)) {
                                    "$key on $interface ($value) is $comparison $threshold\n");
                } else {
                    $bb->color_line($color || 'yellow',
                                    "$key on $interface ($value) is NOT $comparison $threshold\n");
            } else {
                $bb->color_line($color || 'yellow',
                                "Can't find '$key' for $interface to check its value\n$stdout\n\n");
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        } else {
            if ($stdout !~ /\b\Q$state\E\b/) {
                $bb->color_line($color || 'yellow',
                                "$interface isn't $state (but should)\n");
            } else {
                                "$interface is $state\n");
    } else {
            "Can't check $state on $interface: Querying $interface resulted in no output.\n");