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  • Matthias Urlichs's avatar
    Import Debian changes 0.5.3-1 · 74425d3a
    Matthias Urlichs authored and Colin Watson's avatar Colin Watson committed
    keymapper (0.5.3-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Ignore control, spacing, and unassigned characters.
      * Map double-angle quotes and much-less/greater to simple less/greater.
    keymapper (0.5.2-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Added ו (Hebrew vav) to the list of stuff looking like ell/one
      * Added ¤ (Currency sign) as an alias to * (asterisk), and
        ¢ to c (available on the US keymap but not commonly printed on keycaps)
      * Added shortcuts to break excessively-broad recursion
      * Fix a crash generating sparse mapping trees
      * Adjust heuristics
      * Increased the penalty for ALT-key combinations
    keymapper (0.5.1-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Add a filter option to visualize decision path differences between
        a small number of keymaps more clearly.
      * Aliased cedilla and comma.
    keymapper (0.5-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Added an analyzer for X11 keymaps.
        - Added a script to print possible console=>X11 mappings.
      * Speed up keymap filtering when keymaps have subsets.
      * Changed the script file interpreter to process multiple
        possible choices in parallel.
      * Added lots of new lookalike Unicode characters,
        from Unicode's NamesList.txt.
      * Fix color/style assignment in graph output.
      * Various small bugfixes.
    keymapper (0.4.3-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * change search path logic to allow arbitrary paths.
      * Fix dependency on python-dev.
    keymapper (0.4.2-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Added more interesting letters to the equivs table.
      * Fix codec handling: The main program is responsible for equipping
        the file objects passed into keymapper.* with appropriate codecs.
    keymapper (0.4.1-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Add one and zero.
      * Conflate l and I.
    keymapper (0.4-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Fix output code to print only those characters which actually appear
        on the keyboards which are under consideration at this step.
    keymapper (0.3-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Add character equivalence table.
    keymapper (0.2-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Works, for now.
      * Optionally generates graphviz output.
      * Added installation and copyright stuff.
      * Added option to set the file system root.
    keymapper (0.1-1) hoary; urgency=low
      * Initial Release.
        (Doesn't do anything useful yet...)
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