Get sources
Clone with SSH
git clone
Clone with HTTPS
git clone
Update local copy
git remote update # or $(git fetch)
git checkout pristine-tar
git rebase
git checkout upstream
git rebase
git checkout master
git rebase
Integrate a new upstream release
Apply upstream changes
Normally one would execute the following command where UPSTREAM_VERSION
it Lazarus upstream version.
gbp import-orig --uscan -u ${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1
If it fails try to use a manual operation:
uscan --rename --force-download
gbp import-orig -u ${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1 ../libqtpas_${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
and if you want to push to experimental first (make sure your experimental and upstream-experimental branches are up-to-date and/or are properly created)
gbp import-orig --uscan -u ${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1 \
--debian-branch=experimental --upstream-branch=upstream-experimental
If it fails try to use a manual operation:
gbp import-orig -u ${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1 ../libqtpas_${UPSTREAM_VERSION}+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz \
--debian-branch=experimental --upstream-branch=upstream-experimental
Update dch log
gbp dch -c -R
But please review and enhance the generated changelog, not everything needs to be mentioned
Build packages
gbp buildpackage
or source only
cd ..
dpkg-source -i\.git -b libqtpas
cd -
dpkg-genchanges -sa -S > ../libqtpas_${DEBIAN-VERSION##*:}_source.changes
or whatever you like to build
Git tag release
git tag debian/${DEBIAN-VERSION_with_tildes_converted_to_underscore} \
-m"Debian release ${DEBIAN-VERSION}"
Push changes
git push origin pristine-tar upstream master --tags